Indian parents work hard to ensure the well-being of their children. Balancing professional and personal life is often challenging for most working parents in India. Work often takes preference over everything in life that pushes parents to sacrifice their wellbeing and family life.

Parenting is always difficult that requires meeting the demands of children to bring value to their lives. According to India Today, 40% of Indian parents work extra hours to meet the rising needs of their kids. This creates a role conflict in the satisfaction of working parents to balance their family and work lives. 

According to Harvard Business Review, parents struggle to improve their work-life balance that takes a toll on their emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. The fact remains that pressing demands of work have had a great impact on the social and family life of working parents. Most parents today fail to create a balance between multiple activities. 

Poor work-life balance prohibits many Indian parents to diligently perform their duties at home or the workplace. A good work-life balance has many positive effects. This post explores the important issue of work-life balance to help working parents effectively deal with their work-life conflicts. 

What is Work-Life Balance? 

Many researchers have investigated the relationship between work-life balance and adverse effects on the wellbeing of parents. There is a need for workplace policy-makers to create healthy work environments to reduce work-life conflict in their lives. 

According to Forbes, work-life balance refers to a state of equilibrium that allows an individual or a professional to better prioritize the demands of their careers and personal lives. Everybody has 24 hours a day to render their professional and personal duties. Working parents nowadays are confronted with several challenges due to work-life conflicts to meet their daily targets. 

Such a lack of work-life balance can create a role conflict as well which impacts the degree of involvement in work, social life, and family affairs.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance for Working parents 

The work-life balance issue creates many health problems such as: 

· Poor mental health 

· Poor physical health 

· Psychological distress

· Life dissatisfaction 

These issues require working parents to achieve an equal level of distribution of tasks. Due to a lack of work-life balance, working parents are experiencing higher levels of stress, fatigue, and physical pains. 

The chief executive officer (CEO) of Aplio Recruiting states that good work-life balance has several positive effects on working parents. For example, parents who can balance their family lives with work activities often experience less fatigue, burnout, and back pain. Proper work-life balance allows them to create a sense of well-being that benefits both employers and employees. 

How Parents Can Achieve Better Work-Life Balance 

One may think that work-life balance may mean having a productive day at the workplace in addition to spending quality moments with their friends and families. This may sound like an ideal situation, however, 100% work-life balance is difficult to achieve. 

There are several things Indian parents can do to improve work-life balance. For example, parents can become loving caregivers as well as supportive managers by following these tips to enhance their overall satisfaction. 

1. Do what you Love 

Although work is an inseparable part of life, your career should not drain you as a working parent. The bottom line is, if you hate what you do day in day out, you are surely going to end up feeling miserable. 

The best way to create a work-life balance is to enjoy your job and pour all your heart into your work. If your job is demoralizing you, you will find it difficult to enjoy things outside work. 

2. Don’t Compromise your Health 

When it comes to enjoying your work and family life, your health should be your priority. Health comprises both mental and physical health. If you struggle with depression, then take a therapy session or join a yoga class. 

3. Take a Vacation 

Unplugging from your daily grind suggests that you should take a healthy vacation and share more memories with your friends. You may decide to take a short one-week trip to Alaska to mentally recharge, or even take a month-long vacation. 

4. Make more Time for your Loved Ones

Being a working parent in India can lead to burnout if you spend your entire life working like a machine. Make sure that you participate in hobbies and spend more time with your children and friends. You can achieve a work-life balance with serious action. 

If you feel that your children are paying less attention to their academic activities and more involved in digital entertainment, you can install a reliable kid monitoring app on their smartphones such as Xnspy to keep tabs on their activities, remotely. 

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