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Get Started Now Live DemoThe “TikTok pandemic” is just like every other pandemic with physical, emotional, and mental impacts on those affected by it. It even goes as far as to raise legal concerns.
If your child is on TikTok every day, it is high time that you get familiar with the app and its trends too. This article intends to inform you better about the most dangerous TikTok challenges and their risks.
4 Dangerous TikTok Trends and Ideas Prevalent on TikTok
We have compiled for you the current general trends on TikTok that can adversely affect your teen or tween.
1. Sadnotes and Painhub
Self-harm and suicidal ideation are very commonplace on TikTok under the name of Sadnotes and Painhub. Even though TikTok moderation removes suicidal content, it does not target content with fewer views.
Therefore, your child can easily come across videos glamorizing self-harm or suicide. Not only that but due to filter bubbles on TikTok, if they interact with these posts, they can go down a rabbit hole full of such content within 30 minutes of use.
These filter bubbles will strengthen their beliefs and can even dampen their mood regularly. Some of the common trends that can influence your child’s mental health negatively are the trauma dumping trend, sad girl aesthetics, before/after trauma, etc.
2. Fitspiration and Thinspiration
TikTok is a breeding ground for eating disorders and body dysmorphia. Filters, aesthetic procedures, unrealistic beauty standards, and extreme diets/exercise have set unachievable bars for women particularly.
Furthermore, posts that actively spread misinformation and categorize everything as “naturally achievable” are widespread. Due to children’s inability to make judgments and choose rationally, they can very easily become victims of this shameless web of lies.
Some of the dumbest TikTok challenges like what I eat in a day, waist/collarbone check, and 75-day Hard push young girls to try extremely challenging and draining diets or exercise regimes. Eventually, the failure to continue or get their “dream” body leaves them feeling like a failure.
3. Hate Speech, Manosphere, and Sigma Male eg. Andrew Tate
TikTok also has its fair share of misogynists on the platform. Most of them call it a manosphere where the men talk about how unfair the world is to them while demeaning, mocking, and bashing women’s existence.
Due to the lack of accountability, these “sigma” males are frequently seen verbally abusing women who oppose their views or do not conform with their ideas. Moreover, they also partake in objectifying women or minors.
One such misogynist is Andrew Tate whose violent tendencies and skewed views on women led to his ban from the TikTok platform. Nonetheless, his followers and fans continue to circulate his clips and content.
4. Dark Humor and Insensitivity
Understandably, many people crack jokes about a hurtful situation as their coping mechanism. Anyhow, insensitivity towards topics like abuse, self-harm, or suicide in the name of dark humor is one of the very dangerous trends on TikTok.
Creators are often seen taking it too far with offensive jokes about child sexual assault, disabilities, minority races, and even the death of loved ones.
The behavior is in itself destructive and can be triggering for others. In addition to that, people can become insensitive towards some very serious issues.
These general trends on TikTok not only harm everyday users but also give birth to challenges that can prove deadly.
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TikTok Challenges That Are Dangerous
TikTok challenges can result in emotional, physical, and legal damage if done by children who lack awareness. To help you avoid that, we have created a dangerous TikTok challenges list.
Using this list, you can work towards ensuring your kid’s safety both offline and online.
3 Inappropriate TikTok Challenges
There are a handful of TikTok challenges that can emotionally distress unsuspecting children and are highly inappropriate because of their impact.
1. Give Me My Money Challenge
The Give Me My Money challenge is where two or more people come together to say “Just give me my money” in funny ways one after another. The phrase is then followed by applause and congratulations from the group.
Everyone takes turns one by one. The catch is that the last person is not in on the joke. The joke is that no one will applaud or congratulate the last person once they say their version of “just give me my money” aloud.
The challenge is in essence harmless when done with adults. Nevertheless, once toddlers, young kids, and the elderly are brought in to prank, the challenge does not remain so innocent anymore. The groups mentioned are more sensitive and prioritize inclusion.
This challenge can make them emotionally vulnerable and provoke them to feel ashamed and isolate themselves eventually.
2. Ick Challenge
The Ick Challenge involves two or more people sharing each other’s behaviors or habits that they consider irritating, annoying, or cringeworthy.
Most parents or older siblings take part in this trend with their children or younger siblings.
Taking part in this challenge can negatively affect children’s self-esteem, self-worth, and emotional well-being. It can further encourage public shaming and give rise to bullying among peers since the video is on TikTok for everyone to see.
Children can also become more conscious of their actions and can feel bad for being who they are around their family members.
3. Egg Crack Challenge
The Egg Crack challenge is a prank where someone cracks one or more raw eggs on another person’s head without prior consent. The egg is cracked playfully and lightheartedly in their head and a camera is set to record their surprise or shock.
Again, if the prankee is an adult then all can be forgiven and forgotten. However, for children, it is a completely different story. They can feel emotionally distraught due to the sudden crack on their head.
Some common reactions observed among children during this challenge were crying, painful expressions, saying something along the lines of “that is not nice”, etc.

Keep an Eye on TikTok Viral Trends
Monitor their complete TikTok activity with XNSPY.
3 Deadly TikTok Challenges
Even though emotional trauma, distress, or harm is repairable, death is not. Unfortunately, every year, new physically harming challenges make rounds on TikTok under different names and in different forms.
Some of the most recent challenges that can potentially injure and kill participants are discussed below.
1. Choking Game Challenge
The Choking game is also referred to as the Blackout challenge. Participants in this challenge wrap a cloth or belt around their neck, tighten it, and choke themselves until they pass out.
The whole point of this challenge is to achieve a high without drugs by choking and getting an adrenaline rush.
Asphyxiation is very dangerous since it leads to a loss of oxygen in the brain. If done without supervision, there is no way to loosen the noose around the neck once unconscious.
Additionally, oxygen deprivation for four minutes causes brain damage while that of five minutes ends in brain death. Overall, almost 15 children have lost their lives to this challenge.
2. Superman Challenge
The Superman challenge consists of two rows of people facing each other and one superhero. The two rows extend their arms and hold hands to form a cradle while Superman dives into the cradle face down. The people forming the cradle then launch their superhero into the air.
After being airborne for a few seconds, when Superman falls back to the ground, the cradle catches them again. In the last step, the cradle tosses Superman backward towards the ground so, they can land on their feet where they initially began.
As is evident from the challenge’s description, the “Superman” can be severely harmed during participation. Since the cradle can break at any moment, the superhero will drop face-down on the ground. This can result in fractures, bruises, concussions, and so much more.
Up till now, at least 17 children have been hospitalized while partaking in this challenge.
3. Benadryl Challenge
Benadryl is an easily accessible, over-the-counter anti-allergy medicine. The challenge involves its consumption in large quantities, roughly 12 to 14. This excessive consumption of diphenhydramine can have hallucinogenic and other side effects which are recorded by the participants.
Direct involvement in this challenge can result in extreme mood changes, erratic heartbeat, seizures, hyperventilation, loss of consciousness, and even overdose. Overall, there have been multiple reports of children dying from Benadryl overdose.
3. Illegal TikTok Challenges
Some creators go as far as normalizing misdemeanors or felonies in the name of TikTok challenges. Nonetheless, the participation of tweens and teens in these challenges for fun can result in a criminal record.
1. Cha-Cha Swerve Challenge
The Cha-cha swerve challenge is nothing like the Cha-cha dance challenge. Where in the dance challenge participants are expected to dance to the directions in the “Cha-cha” song, the swerve challenge includes driving the car in time with those directions and the song’s beat.
The aftermath of following the song’s directions is repeated swerving of the car from left to right and vice versa. The video of this erratic driving is then uploaded to TikTok for everyone to see.
The challenge can obviously bring about physical damage but even more detrimental are the legal repercussions. Teens partaking in this trend can be charged with reckless driving and endangerment.
Moreover, in case of a mishap, they might have to deal with insurance consequences, legal liability of damages, and even license suspension.
2. Kool-Aid Man Challenge
The challenge includes an individual running through a wall or a fence while imitating the Kool-Aid man commercial and saying, “Oh yeah.”
Participants can get physically hurt and will most definitely do property damage. Those who suffered the damage can take legal action and ask for compensation.
3. Door Kicking Challenge
The door-kicking challenge, as the name suggests, is kicking and knocking on random doors forcefully in the middle of the night and then running away.
There can be serious repercussions in the form of legal actions that include but are not limited to vandalism, trespassing, misdemeanor, and even theft.

Did You Know?
You can block TikTok on your kid’s phone to protect them from its harmful effects.
Why Might Your Kid Partake in the Most Dangerous TikTok Challenges?
The simple reason for their interest in such trends is their lack of deductive skills and rational thinking. Children are not grown-ups with fully developed brains so, one cannot expect them to act like responsible adults.
They are young and immature, which inspires them to make reckless decisions and not think things through. We too have been like them once ridden with a need to be included and praised.
a. FoMO and Peer Pressure
Fear of missing out is very real for teens. They will do anything to not feel excluded and isolated. Therefore, to maintain their connections with online friends, they end up making compulsive and irrational decisions.
If the people around your child follow up on social media and TikTok trends, then your child would want to naturally comply and stay in the inner circle. Depending on the people your child associates with and is friends with, this can result in their involvement in TikTok dangerous challenges.
b. Social Media Recognition
Social media recognition plays a significant role in children’s partaking in harmful trends.
They eagerly join in dangerous TikTok challenges when risk goes viral.
Due to their view-oriented mindset, no risk is too much as long as it garners them enough attention. And how does one get attention? By doing something outrageous.
The simple formula to go viral on TikTok is, “The more the risk, the more audience and social recognition.”
Take Preventive Measures While You Can
Now that you understand the dangers posed by TikTok and why your child might go running into it, we must find ways to protect them. By taking the constructive steps below, you can counteract the problem of your child’s safety.
i. Be friends with your child on TikTok
You should make sure that your child is aware of your presence on their TikTok account. Do not only be friends but also keep up with the trends on the app to take proper measures. Your vigilance and attention are required to properly prevent something devastating from happening.
While you are at it, you should also make sure to overlook their content, likes, and even public interactions.
ii. Actively engage in discussions
If your child is displaying a desire to take part in TikTok trends, you should welcome their input and communicate with them properly. Rather than snubbing them and directly giving your verdict, you should ask open-ended questions about the trends.
These questions should aim to help them constructively think and make a well-informed decision.
iii. Address repercussions of TikTok trends
Make sure your child knows the difference between right and wrong. For this to happen, you need to actively discuss and address the problems that arise due to particular harmful TikTok trends.
Furthermore, ensure that your child knows the impact hate speech can have on others. If done effectively, your child would know that even without accountability, they should not be involved in dangerous trends and other acts of hate.
iv. Use a TikTok monitoring app
All the solutions given above can fall short where complete supervision of your child’s TikTok usage is concerned. However, if you take these measures with a comprehensive solution, you will be better equipped to protect your child.
TikTok monitoring apps can solve your inability to constantly track your kid’s TikTok activity. Apps like XNSPY can provide you access to their phone logs for proper insight into their daily app usage.
With XNSPY’s screen record, keylogger, remote commands, messenger, and other features, you can ensure that your child does not fall prey to dangerous challenges on TikTok.
You can check their account details like profile, privacy settings, followers, following, posts, and shares. Additionally, using “Messenger”, you can read their messages and track interactions as they happen in real-time on TikTok.
XNSPY also enables you to monitor their engagements and content consumption on the “For You”, “Following”, and “Explore” pages. Lastly, you can check their screen time and app visits during a particular time. If the time is too much for your liking, you can also block the app remotely.
All users have to do is get one-time access to their kid’s phone for installation and then they can continue monitoring from their phone or laptop. To track logs and new updates, XNSPY’s end-to-end encrypted dashboard is used, therefore, the data is protected and cannot be leaked.
Not only that but since XNSPY works in 100% stealth mode and is undetectable in the target phone, your kids cannot uninstall the app or bypass it.
Let’s be honest, TikTok these days has more influence on our children than us. However, this needs to change because there are TikTok challenges that have killed or have done irreversible emotional damage to children.
It is time that you as a parent implement effective preventive measures and take action before the harm is done. Additionally, for a comprehensive approach to protect your child, you can use monitoring apps like XNSPY that help you keep track of more than 13 social media apps.
Monitor Their Complete Social Media Activity
Get XNSPY to stay updated in real-time on their actions.

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john fisher
January 16, 2025 at 10:31 amBe careful fellow parents, these trends are getting out of hand. My 10-year old son ended up in the hospital last week because of this pathetic benadrly trend
Diana Sierra
January 17, 2025 at 11:55 amI cannot find xnspy app on google store
January 24, 2025 at 2:05 pmBlock tiktok evil app
February 4, 2025 at 2:36 pmVery dangerous
February 5, 2025 at 2:37 pmMy child can never do this