Sadfishing: how a trend started by celebrities is affecting youngsters?
Now and then, there is a trend on social media that everyone seems to follow. In social media terms, the […]
Now and then, there is a trend on social media that everyone seems to follow. In social media terms, the […]
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” – John C Maxwell Regardless
Toddler parenting is one of the most stressful phases in a parent’s life. Both toddlers and preschoolers are still getting
Millennials are defined as those who were born from 1980-1995, and by 2020, they are going to be in the
Remote teams refer to a group of people who work across space, time, and organizational boundaries with electronic communication being
In a post by Tom Alison, VP of Engineering at Facebook, the company has introduced a few tools to help
The world heard the term “tiger parenting” for the first time in 2011 when Amy Chua coined the term in
A whining child gets both the parent’s attention and exasperation. Dealing with a whining kid is not any parent would
It is transcendent to do things you enjoy, but can you go too far with a hobby? And at what
If your teen has a smartphone, most probably they spend several hours a day on the text and social media.