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Get Started Now Live DemoSnapchat has its own language, and it moves fast. One day, a word means one thing, and the next, it is flipped into something else entirely. For parents, this ever-changing slang is a whole new world where meanings aren’t always what they seem.
From innocent acronyms to coded messages, Snapchat slang can be a mix of everyday chatter and conversations you might want to pay closer attention to. Keeping up with these Snapchat terms will help you know when something is harmless fun and when a phrase might hint at something concerning.
This list breaks down 150 slangs for Snapchat that parents need to know – what they mean, how they’re used, and why they matter.
Why Should You Know These Snapchat Slangs and Their Meaning?
You might be tempted to shrug this off and let your teen’s Snapchat conversations stay their business. After all, keeping up with all these slang terms sounds like a hassle, right? But truth be told, ignoring it won’t make the risks disappear – it only makes it easier for problems to go unnoticed.
Teens use Snapchat to share private moments, sometimes crossing the line into risky behavior, especially with disappearing messages that make them feel invincible. Without knowing what certain slang means, you could miss warning signs of cyberbullying, online predators, or even dangerous trends that spread among teens in seconds.
And staying informed doesn’t mean spying or invading their privacy – it means understanding the world they are navigating. When you know the language they are using, you are in a better position to step in when needed, have open conversations, and keep them safe without making them feel like you are out of touch.
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What are the Most Famous Snapchat Slang Words?
1. TM
Text Me, Too Much, Trust Me, or Tell Me.
2. PYO
Put Yourself Off – To stop doing something.
3. SND
Sound – Cool, awesome.
4. PMS
Premenstrual Syndrome or Period Mood Swings – A moody time for women.
5. CC
Content Creators – People who make videos, or pictures for an audience on social media
6. DSL
D*ck Sucking Lips – Someone with attractive, full, and big lips.
7. OPS
Opinion or Opposition – Asking someone to express their views about something.
8. ASL
Age, Sex, Location – Inquiring about someone’s private details.
9. MW
My Way – How someone goes about things.
10. WPS
White People Sh*t – Show name or joke about something predominantly done by white people.
11. OTP
On The Phone – Inform someone that they are on call.
12. MS
Maybe So – Talk about the possibility of something.
13. GMS
Good Morning Streak – A streak of sending a good morning snap to a friend every day.
14. RS
Round Snap – A snap that is for multiple friends.
15. LCL
Love Comes Later – Indicating that someone is not ready for a romantic relationship.
16. ASB
All Snap Back – Requesting everyone who sees the snap to respond for a snap streak.
17. SW
Sex Worker – Can be a reference to virtual prostitution or an insult towards someone.
18. PU
Pop Up – Requesting someone to message them.
19. NRS
No Replies, Sorry – Informing someone about being inactive.
20. ATP
Answer The Phone – Asking someone to attend a call.
21. SMO
Shout Me Out – A request for a shout-out on Snapchat.
22. CLM
Cuck Lives Matter – Cuck are men whose partners are unfaithful and treat them poorly.
23. MI
Mutual Interests – Hobbies or likes that are common between two individuals.
24. SFE
Safe – Used to inform that someone has arrived at a destination safely.
25. SFS
Snap For Snap or Shoutout For Shoutout – Transactional request to gain snapscore or followers.
26. GTS
Good Times – Reminiscing or recalling good memories.
27. FW
F*cks With – Likes something a lot.
28. BMS
Broke My Scale – Someone looking so good that the scale from 1-10 broke.
29. IFK
I F*cking Know – Show that they understand what the other person is saying.
30. JW
Just Wondering – Thinking about something.
31. MBN
Must Be Nice – Sarcastically or enviously telling someone that you wish you were in their place.
32. IG
I Guess – An agreement when someone is not too sure about something.
33. BRB
Be Right Back – Informing someone that the user will be back soon.
34. GC
Group Chat – A chat with multiple people conversing.
35. LMAO
Laughing My Ass Off – Something so funny that it made the user lose balance.
36. SMS
Short Message Service – Text message.
37. ICL
I Can’t Lie – Talking about something obvious that they cannot lie about.
38. YGM
You Got Me – Someone successfully fooled them or played a trick on them.
39. PH
Potential of Hydrogen (PH level) – Casually used for mood or how someone is feeling.
40. SN
Screen Name – Username of someone on Snapchat.
What Snapchat Slang Meaning Should You Know?
41. FN
F*cking Nice – Showing someone their approval or excitement over something.
42. SB
Snap Back – Asking someone to send them a snap to maintain a streak.
43. ESB
Everyone Snap Back – Same as SB but asking more than one person for a Snap response.
44. SMH
Smack My Head – Disapproval or frustration over something.
45. GNG
Going – The person would talk to someone later because they have to leave.
46. NFS
No Further Screenshots or Not For Screenshots – Stopping others from screenshotting a story.
47. WSG
What’s Good – Asking about what is going on in someone’s life.
48. SR
Slow Replies – Priorly informing someone that the user is occupied.
49. PP
Public Profile or P*nis – Profile and its content are visible to all, or male genitalia.
50. SNR
Streaks And Recent – Sending you a snap because you are in their streak list or recent.

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51. DDM
Don’t Damn Me – Do not make me suffer.
52. SCM
Snapchat Me – Contact me on Snapchat.
53. NWS
No Worries – Someone does not need to worry or that all is forgiven and forgotten.
54. NPC
Non-Player Character – Someone who lacks independent thoughts.
55. GYAT
Goddamn or Girl Your Ass Thick – Complimenting someone on their curvaceous figure.
56. FT
FaceTime – An invitation to talk on a video call via Snapchat.
57. LOL
Laughing Out Loud – Used sarcastically or as an exaggeration of how funny something is.
58. ML
Much Love – Showing feelings of respect and platonic affection towards someone.
59. NGL
Not Gonna Lie – Admitting to something embarrassing or giving a critique.
60. NR
No Reply – Indicating unavailability for an indefinite amount of time because they are occupied.
61. ROFL
Rolling On the Floor Laughing – To show that something is extremely funny.
62. SML
So Much Love – Express feelings of affection, care, and love towards someone.
63. WR
Won’t Reply – Informing about their inability to respond now.
64. YWA
You Are Welcome Anyway – No problem, no need to mention it.
65. WCW
Women Crush Wednesday – On Snapchat, the day people share snaps of their female crush.
66. IMR
I Mean Really – Emphasized the importance or truthfulness of something.
67. WYLL
What You Look Like – Asking someone to share a snap of their face or body.
68. LIU
Look It Up – Search for something online.
69. ONB
On Bro – I am working on it, the bet is on, or I swear on my brother.
70. SRS
Serious – Emphasizing that something is spoken earnestly.
Serious Business – The topic in discussion is important and serious.
72. MB
My Bad – Admitting to making a mistake.
73. DSM
Does Size Matter? – A question about male genitalia aimed at women primarily.
74. DTN
Don’t Trust No One – Advice on how to proceed with caution and to mistrust everyone.
75. DBI
Don’t Beg It – Asking someone acting desperate to stop.
76. ASH
As Hell – Mostly in terms of how hot someone or something is.
77. FTM
Female To Male – A person’s gender transition.
78. HMU
Hit Me Up – Get in touch with me through a text, snap, or call.
79. HRU
How Are You? – Inquiring about someone’s well-being.
80. ION
In Another News – Used to switch topics or talk about something else.
What Do These Slangs for Snapchat Mean?
81. AMOS
Add Me On Snapchat – Asking someone to accept their friend request.
82. FFF
Follow For Follow – Offer to mutually benefit from following each other.
83. ISTG
I Swear To God – Emphasis on how someone is not messing around with their claims.
84. LMS
Like My Status – Request to like their stories or public snaps.
85. MK
Mmm, Okay – Used when someone is unsure or judging a person.
86. WTM
What’s The Move? – Inquiring about what to do in a particular situation.
87. STA
Send To All – A snap that is shared in private with all friends.
88. SU
Swipe Up – Indicates that viewers can swipe up to open a link or to be redirected.
89. TTM
Talk To Me – Inviting someone to have a conversation.
90. LMR
Like My Recent – Requesting someone to like their recent snaps or public stories.
91. SO
Significant Other – Partner or other half (girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband).
92. Snapstreak
Snapchat Streak – Number of days snaps were consecutively exchanged between two users.
93. FFS
For F*ck’s Sake – To express irritation or frustration.
94. KYS
Kill Yourself – Bullying someone and asking them to commit suicide.
95. KMS
Kill Myself – Expressing suicidal thoughts or frustration over something they did.
96. TBH
To Be Honest – Talking about something truthfully.
97. HY
Hell Yeah – Express excitement and enthusiasm.
98. IDM
I Don’t Mind – For emphasis or polite acceptance.
99. ISK
I Should Know – Pushing someone to indulge information.
100. TFW
That Feeling When – Used to talk about how someone feels in a particular situation.

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101. YKTV
You Know The Vibe – Similar to you know how it is i.e., show mutual acknowledgment.
102. YKTS
You Know The Score – Refers to the snapscore of someone.
103. HIFW
How I Feel When – Express emotions and feelings related to specific experiences.
104. WYWH
Wish You Were Here – Indicates that the other person is missed.
105. TIME
Tears In My Eyes – Shows sentimentality towards something or can be used sarcastically.
106. SSDD
Same Stuff, Different Day – Nothing has changed.
107. YNK
You Never Know – One can never be too sure.
108. ATM
At The Moment – To talk about the happenings or feelings in real-time.
109. SS
Screenshot – A still image of someone’s device’s screen.
110. STG
Swear To God – Express exasperation or strong belief towards something.
111. MCM
Men Crush Monday – A day (Monday) on Snapchat when users share snaps of their male crush.
112. WYO
What You On? – What are you doing or what are you talking about.
113. HW
Homework – Work assigned to students to do at home.
114. ILY
I Love You – Expressing love for a friend, partner, or family member.
115. MH
My Heart – Overwhelmed with love or sadness, or used as a term of endearment.
116. BBG
Baby Girl – A term of endearment for girlfriends.
117. NP
No Problem – Everything is fine or you are welcome.
118. OTW
On The Way – Commuting to a destination.
119. WDYM
What Do You Mean – Asking someone to clarify by showing confusion.
120. MMS
Made Me Smile – Something or someone brightened up their day.
What Snapchat Slang Abbreviations Should You Be Aware of?
121. IMSG
In My Snapchat Group – Talk about snaps or messages shared in a group chat on Snapchat.
122. DWS
Dealing With Sh*t – Someone is going through a hard time or is in a difficult situation.
123. W
Win or Winner – Talk about a victory or positive consequence.
124. L
Lose or Loser – How someone is a disappointment or there was a significant loss.
125. BOP
Blown Out P*ssy – Women who get around and are involved with many boys at the same time.
126. GOAT
Greatest Of All Times – Refers to someone who is the best at what they do.
127. BDE
Big D*ck Energy – A man who exudes confidence in himself.
128. DTF
Down To F*ck – Showing a willingness to engage in sexual activities.
129. FBOI
F*ckboy – A boy who does not commit or settle but has many girls around.
130. FR
For Real – Emphasize the realness or truthfulness of something.
131. FML
F*ck My Life – Show frustration about how things are going in life.
132. FUGLY
F*cking Ugly – A vulgar term that means someone is extremely unattractive.
133. FWB
Friends With Benefits – Two people who engage in sexual activities without being committed.
134. OG
Original Gangster – Someone who is exceptional and best at what they do.
135. IRL
In Real Life – Used to tell apart the real life from the online world.
136. YKWIM
You Know What I Mean – To explain something or inquire if what is said is understood.
137. ICYMI
In Case You Missed It – Direct someone’s attention to something new or different.
138. IYKYK
If You Know, You Know – Refers to an inside joke like a meme or video reference.
139. LFG
Let’s F*cking Go – Show excitement or enthusiasm over something.
140. Menty B
Mental Breakdown – Making light of otherwise intense stress or an overwhelming situation.
141. NSFW
Not Safe For Work – Explicit content for 18+ individuals.
142. OMW
On My Way – Informing someone that the other person is en route to a location.
143. OML
Oh My Lord – Entails excitement, shock, or frustration over something or someone.
144. OMG
Oh My God – To express feelings of exasperation, joy, or surprise.
145. ONG
On God – Bearing God as a witness to emphasize the truthfulness of a claim.
146. PMOYS
Put Me On Your Snapchat – Add someone to Snapchat.
147. SMUT
Sexual Material – Sexually explicit written content in erotica or romance novels.
148. THOT
That H*e Over There – Used to sl*tshame someone.
149. WYA
Where You At – Inquiring about their whereabouts or inactivity on Snapchat.
150. Xan
Xanax – A sedative used to treat mental health issues like anxiety.
About Time You Take Some Initiatives To Monitor Your Child
Now, unfortunately, even after you have been through this list, new Snapchat slang abbreviations will keep originating out of nowhere. Regardless of the number of slang meanings you try to memorize, there will always appear terms that you will be clueless about.
If that is the case then how can you possibly protect your child from all the predators, cyberbullies, and abusers on Snapchat? Simple, constant monitoring. Mind you, we are not referring to an on-and-off monitoring after gaining access to their device for not more than 5 minutes.
Parents, in today’s age, must track all of their children’s online activities to ensure their digital safety. One way you can go about this is by using a monitoring app like XNSPY. It is a software that gives parents access to their children’s messages, calls, content, internet history, location, and much more.
Parents can also track over 13 social media apps including Snapchat. Moreover, its features like messenger, keylogger, screen time, app blocker, alerts, call recorder, screen recorder, etc, make monitoring simpler and easier.
Due to only needing one-time access, parents can track their kids’ online and offline phone activity remotely and discreetly.
With all the logs at your disposal, you will stay informed about any new Snapchat slang and will have more time to look up new terms when monitoring messages and other online engagements.
Final Thoughts
Snapchat has become a breeding ground for unrestricted sexting, exchange of explicit snaps, and harassment. Then, add to the mix some alien words with even weirder meanings, parents are bound to feel exasperated.
At times like these, employing monitoring apps like XNSPY on their phones can prove to be life-saving. Parents can keep check on their conversations without any time restrictions, and get better insight into what their child is partaking in.
However, while monitoring, parents must keep an open mind and converse politely with their children to foster a healthy environment and bond.
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XNSPY provides access to all Snapchat activity in real time.