Location Tracking

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The Ultimate Eastern Europe Travel Guide

Western Europe has been a traveler’s delight for a great part of modern travel. Ever since air travel allowed people to effortlessly hop continents, Western Europe and the western part of the globe have been every tourist’s preferred destination. Whether it is the sprawling and bustling city of London, the historically rich Rome, or the ever romantic Paris, Western Europe has it all. East of Germany however, where the Iron Curtain once stood, Europe still expands. A Europe still unbeknownst to the majority of the world. Some fewer people speak English there, fewer sights like palaces, towers, castles, and colosseums, but for the traveler on a budget, a world of beauty and history yet to explore. Eastern Europe – A Brief Introduction Western Europe has the big names we’ve heard all our lives. The UK, Scandinavia, Spain, France, and Italy. Been there, done that. But you’ll learn very quickly just how vast and diverse Eastern Europe is. Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are just some of the names of countries you can travel to on a budget. While these countries are western-leaning democracies, some have yet to shed the trauma of their former Soviet past and continue to struggle economically and democratically. This makes them superb candidates to brush up on your history knowledge. A few things to keep in mind before visiting is that while most of the countries mentioned earlier are in the European Union and Schengen Visa-Free Zone, Serbia and Ukraine are exceptions and need separate visa applications to visit. Plan to see if your passport requires a visa in advance, a visa on arrival, or no visa whatsoever. Also, considering the present Russia-Ukraine war that’s ongoing, travelling to Ukraine is off the cards for many people. Additional security measures, and the immigrations of Ukrainian nationals into neighboring states may also hamper free roaming in many bordering cities. Costs to Travel Eastern Europe Eastern Europe can be surprisingly light on the wallet. A large local craft beer costs $2 and the same for a coffee. A piping hot meal with healthy servings of meat, bread, and potatoes would cost USD 7–9. This is the average across most countries but Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Ukraine can be a lot cheaper still. Prague and Budapest (high on tourism) can be a burden on the wallet if you don’t book a hotel in advance, and peak seasons (May to August) can be especially costly. Try not to visit shady or underground bars and nightclubs and if you do, hold on to your purses as scams are prevalent. All in all, you’re looking at an estimate of $30-50 USD/day. This includes accommodation, travel, beer, and attractions. Traveling and Transport Rail passes, and Oyster cards are recommended for the UK and Western Europe. In the East, they’re less necessary. Train travel can cost just $20 for any journey you’d be making. For international journeys, it’s always best to consider overnight buses and trains. This will help cut down on the night’s accommodation. Always book in advance as last-minute bookings can be 4 times the price. Where to Stay Booking an Airbnb is always an option, but can be on the expensive side. Thankfully, Krakow in Poland and Budapest in Hungary has a lot of hostels for young travelers. You’ll meet all sorts of tourists in these accommodations and can have drinking buddies for the night. Booking.com can also offer short-term rentals on the cheap. But always check TripAdvisor for a nice hotel. A 4- or 5-star luxury hotel can cost as little as $50 a night if you’re clever. The Best Time to Go The peak months are May to August and everything from local cuisine to hotel rates all skyrocket in the anticipation of foreign visitors. You could visit in the winter months but be prepared for sub-zero temperatures across Eastern Europe. Spending Christmas here is a joy with Christmas markets littered across towns and cities, and the entire landscape blanketed in thick white snow. We recommend visiting in September when temperatures are still comfortably warm, and most of the tourists have all gone home. Makes exploring a lot more personal and fun. What to Do After Scotland, Prague has the most number of castles anywhere in Europe. These can be visited for cheap (and sometimes free), and they all have a beautifully haunting Transylvania ambiance to them. Major city centers also have museums that document history as you’ve never seen before, and hills, beaches, and mountains are plenty depending on the country of your preference. Croatia, in particular, has some of the most beautiful city centers. Dubrovnik and Zagreb are famous for their compact ocean-side designs.  If you’re a football fan, try visiting the FC Shakhtar Donetsk or Dynamo Kyiv stadiums in Ukraine, and catch a Champion’s League game on the cheap. Tips to Keep in Mind Eastern European trips can be a wonderful solo adventure, but can quickly go awry if you’re scammed out of your money on the streets of Warsaw or Budapest. Scammers are wary of tourists and have clever scams to con you out of your money. Pickpockets are relatively common too, and always ensure you have all of your belongings on your person at all times. You can even invest in an app to track a cell phone location for additional security of your electronic devices. The Xnspy cell phone location tracker app, for instance, can be used to locate your phone or tablet in case of theft or loss. Xnspy can also provide precise reporting for a third party that has been assigned control of your phone. It can regularly check your location status and have turn-by-turn updates of your trip. Invest in cell phone location trackers like Xnspy before heading out on your tour. Always convert your money into local currency before heading out to the country. Do not use ATMs to withdraw money and only do so if you’re strapped

Features - New, How To

How Location Tracking and Sharing Saved a Woman’s Life

Today, I wish to highlight the importance of one of the features of the XNSPY app: Location Tracking and Sharing and just how useful it can be. In this case a woman used this tracking to save her life and get her kidnapper arrested by the authorities. Thinking quickly the kidnapped woman Jaila Gladden used her phone and sent her location to her boyfriend who was then able to get the police to her location. Now if you ask me, location tracking and sharing pretty much saved her life here. If it were not for what she did, she probably would have been murdered. Location Tracking and Sharing is a very surefire way to let your loved ones know just exactly where you are without spelling out a long address – which is some situations might be the difference between life and death. Warning: This story contains graphic details which might disturb some readers.  Jaila Gladden’s Story and how Location Tracking Saved Her This story comes from Carrolton, Georgia where Jaila Gladden, a senior at the University of West Georgia was kidnapped, raped and almost murdered. But because of some quick thinking from her, she was saved from her would be murderer. Jaila Gladden left home at about 11:30 pm to her local grocery to purchase some medicine and other items for herself. Gladden had been posting videos of herself on Snapchat just before paying at the counter of the Kroger store she was at and leaving. She was walking back to her car in the parking lot, she recounts, when a man asked her for a cigarette lighter. She told the man that she did not have one and continued walking to her car. When she got to her vehicle Gladden says she felt a knife press up against her abdomen and the man from before who had asked for a lighter told her to get inside her car. She immediately complied and got into the passenger seat through the driver’s side with the man following suit and getting behind the wheel. The man then asked Gladden if she knew how to get to Atlanta. Carrolton, Georgia is 50 miles from Atlanta. The man now identified as Timothy Wilson, drove Gladdens green Honda Accord and parked behind an old abandoned church and told her to take her clothes off. Gladden cried and pleaded with him but the man would not be hindered and even told Gladded that “there was no purpose in crying” The man then raped Gladden in the car. The man then continued to drive and told Gladden that he needed money and was going to rob a gas station to get it. Gladden then told him that she could not guide him to a gas station if she did not have her phone. She said if she had he phone she could have used Google Maps to guide him to the nearest gas station. The man handed back Gladdens phone to her and it was then that she immediately shared her current location with her boyfriend Tamir Bryant. Gladden said, “It was the most logical thing to do” Bryant immediately responded asked why she was in Atlanta. Gladden replied “Kid napped”. Bryant immediately realized that Gladded was in trouble and headed over to the police.  “Stop playing rn” he texted her, “I’m headed to the police station” It was this quick thinking by Gladden that now had set authorities after her kidnapper and herself as well. Gladden had saved her life already but it was not over yet. Gladden’s phone was taken away from her by her kidnapper who had not realized that she was texting someone and had already shared her location. He then put Gladden in the trunk of his car and attempted to rob a gas station. He failed in doing so and returned to the vehicle. The man then told Gladden that he intended to rob a Kroger or a Walmart store in order to get the money. Gladden again asked for her phone so that she may guide her assailant to the nearest Walmart or Kroger. The kidnapped gave it to her and she was able to make contact with her boyfriend some more. Gladden’s boyfriend Bryant said he was “freaking out” about seeing her location move along the highway. Gladden’s roommates and Bryant were able to help the police identify the make and model of the car and Bryant gave the police with real time updates on Gladden’s location. (Ativan) Local police shared this information with the Atlanta police. An Atlanta officer patrolling the parking lot the kidnapper was parked in saw the kidnapper and the car. The kidnapper on seeing the police officer, sped towards the exit hitting four other parked cars and the officer’s own patrol car and also almost hit the officer as well. The kidnapper eventually crashed into a fence as police officers drew their weapons and ordered the kidnapper to stop. Gladden escaped from the car, ran towards the police officers and was saved. Bryant says the only reason Gladden was saved is because shared her location with him and he could share it with the police. “If I didn’t get the location, who knows what would have happened”, Bryant remarked. A Carrolton police spokesperson told that everyone should take lessons from Gladden and her quick thinking. Gladden having her location feature on and sharing her location saved her life. Location Tracking Actually Saves Lives This is one of the many cases where Location Tracking have saved lives. Real people are using this amazing and lifesaving feature in their everyday lives as well as emergencies. This feature was shown to be extremely useful with even the police and authorities acknowledging the usefulness of it. Location Tracking and Sharing might sound a difficult to do but with XNSPY it could not be easier to do. The Live Demo shows how it might be done quite easily. So after reading this harrowing story you should not

Features - New

Location Sharing is the New Normal—So Are You on Board?

Snapchat is one of the most popular apps in the market today and is one of the highest downloaded apps of all time. The app has become something of a cultural icon with businesses, schools and even corporations using it to promote themselves. The app is a fun way to interact with friends and family and lets you take silly pictures with face filters and colorful add-ons.  Snapchat—while was popular among teens and kids early on, really exploded into popularity when it first introduced the now iconic face-filters. But after it introduced the face-filters, it later introduced another feature that raised a few eyebrows but also took the: the Snap Map. Snap Map basically allow anyone to see your current location on the map. Of course the people at Snap Inc. were smart enough to have only friends see your current location. That would not be a problem but what teens and kids do on Snapchat is that they add strangers as friends so that they might boost their ‘score’. Snapchat incentivizes its use by giving points or scores to people who perform certain actions and users try to get as many points as possible through whatever means they can. What You Need to Know About Location Tracking in Other Apps But Snapchat is not the only social media app doing this. Many apps allow for people to send their location almost instantly and without check. Apps like Kik, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger all have these capabilities. Speaking of Facebook Messenger, they also implemented the Snapchat like Snap Map feature known as Live Location quietly and no one even knew about it. This feature is basically identical to Snapchat’s Snap Map but here is the cherry on top, Facebook even gives you the quickest way to the your friends location by car, foot or public transport. Now most of us have added people on Facebook as friends that we did not trust or did not even know. We did this as adults- imagine your kids or teens doing this and having strangers easily knowing their locations. Luckily for parents there are ways to know if your kids are being tracked or not and that is through the spying app XNSPY. XNSPY can help parents know who their children are keeping in contact with on every popular social media app available today. Instagram—which is owned by Facebook secretly tracks the location of every picture you take, even if you do not wish to geo-tag your pictures. Anyone can see the photos you post through the photo map, especially if your profile is public. This is pretty worrisome for parents as most pictures their kids or even themselves might post to Instagram would be from work, school and especially home. Instagram has a direct message feature as well to which anyone can send messages. So imagine your child receiving messages from a complete stranger saying that they might come over to your house if and when you—the parent are not home.  Being a child, they might even be coerced and manipulated into trusting these strangers and hiding their relationship with them from their parents. This of course can be avoided and even stopped if it has started if parents use the XNSPY spying app. XNSPY can allow every parent to view Instagram direct messages and help them to tackle problems. Now these are the apps that have chosen to make their location tracking known to the public. And these also happen to be some of the biggest names in the app market today.  Imagine that so many similar apps but not as popular may also track your location without telling you or might even have an exploit that can enable other users to track your location. No one can ever really know for sure. But if something does happen, you can rest assured that XNSPY will be there to save your day. Everyone’s Tracking—Why Aren’t You? This location tracking is something that should be on every parent’s radar out there. When children share locations, they go against what they’d been taught not to do: give out our addresses—especially to strangers. Now with these social media apps we are basically inviting these strangers into our homes.  It is a growing problem that many of us need to address. A private life may be a thing of the past if these social media apps were to have their own way. They have already infiltrated every aspect of our lives and now intend to broadcast this to the entire world. Parents are at a loss thinking what they should do. Obviously they cannot just take away their children’s internet access or even their smartphones as both of these are essential to everyday life now. So what parents can do is set up virtual boundaries and watchdogs for their children using the XNSPY app. This app too has location tracking but not like the social media apps do. The location tracking in this app lets parents know where their children are and also let parents set up virtual boundaries on the map which when crosses alerts parents. These are only but a few of the features XNSPY offers. In order to combat the growing privacy problems, parents can take strict measures and ensure that their kids are safe by monitoring everything that they might do on their phones. Calls, call records, text messages, WhatsApp, Kik, tinder, Facebook Messenger, Instagram- the list goes on. XNSPY can track the messages, documents, photos give parents location tracking and history and even help them to set up certain words which when used can alert the parent. So parents can rest assured if their kids are indeed in contact with strangers online, they can know about it instantly. These location tracking social media apps have become the norm. Thankfully, parents have a mega location trackers with them, too to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and their children for harm and threat.  

Complete XNSPY Guide
Mobile Spy

The Complete XNSPY Guide for New Users Before their First Monitoring Experience

Thanks to our Black Friday sale—which, by the way garnered a tremendous response around the world—we’ve had an influx of brand new users. On behalf of the XNSPY family, I’d like to welcome you all on board! If you’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to use a cell phone tracker app, we’re super proud of you. You’ve taken the first step to upgrading your monitoring means. Whether you’re a parent or an employer, looking after dependents is hard enough as it is. But when they are away from you where you cannot see them, you’re bound to run into trouble. You feel like you’ve lost all control and authority and that you won’t be able to right any wrongs because you’re simply not in the know. That’s exactly what your tracking app will do for you: keep you in the know, even when your target users are away from you. With the help of remote monitoring and the XNSPY app, anything is possible. However, if you have no idea how these trackers work, don’t fret. This is the post for you. So strap in and get ready for your crash course. Here we go. Downloading XNSPY The first thing you’ve got to do is download XNSPY from the official website. Unfortunately, you can’t get it right off the app store. We warned you—it is an advanced app. It has more functions than do most apps. Also because it works wirelessly, you’ll have to perform a couple of extra steps to get it to work, but we’ll come to that later. We promise you, the downloading off the website part won’t take you more than 5 minutes. You simply go to the website and click on the Buy Now tab. This will take you to the purchase page. From here, you decide what version you want, what subscription you’d like and which platform you’re choosing XNSPY for. In terms of versions, you can choose between: XNSPY Basic. This has all the essential monitoring features you need. This is a compact version of the app. XNSPY Premium. This has every single feature that XNSPY has to offer and is thus a complete monitoring experience. This is the more advanced version and works for most apps. In terms of platform, you can choose between: XNSPY for Android XNSPY for iPhone with Jailbreak. This version of iPhone monitoring will require that the phone be jailbroken. In return, you get more monitoring apps. XNSPY for iPhone No Jailbreak. This version of iPhone monitoring requires no jailbreak but you need the target phone’s iCloud credentials. It has fewer features than it’s Jailbreak counterpart. In terms of subscription you can choose between: Monthly Quarterly Yearly The longer subscription you choose, the more discount you are given. Moreover, you can change these settings any time you like. For example, if after purchase you decide that instead of monthly, you’d like the quarterly subscription, you can simply upgrade without interrupting any of your current activities on the app. Installing on Desired Device The next thing you’ve got to do is install the app on your target device. When you purchase the app, you are sent a download URL. You’ve got to insert this URL onto the target phone’s browser and the installation will begin. You’re also emailed an instruction manual to follow, so don’t worry, you’re not going into this completely blind. Just follow the instruction precisely. You’ll be asked to give permission to system tasks. Just tap on whatever your instruction manual tells you to tap. Within 5 minutes, the app will be installed and ready to start recording data from your target phone. Activating Location Tracking When you have finished installing the app onto the target phone, head on over to the Control Panel. Enter it by typing in your username and password (this has been provided to you by the admin in your email). Now, your target device has been connected to this control panel. This way, all your monitoring will be remote and completely wireless. Moreover, the target user will have no way of finding out that you are tracking them. XNSPY will work on their phone discreetly. It will remain undetectable so you don’t have to worry that they’ll uninstall it because it is all but invisible on their phones. So on the control panel, you just go to the “Toggle Features” tab and make sure that location tracking has been activated. If you’re having trouble through any of these steps, XNSPY also comes with 24/7 customer support that is ready to troubleshoot most of your problems. I should add that no matter how unique you think your problem is, the customer support has heard it before because they find a fix almost instantaneously. Setting Up Fences The next thing you can do to continue location monitoring is set up geo-fences. On XNSPY, you do this by going to the Watchlist, which sends you an alert any time your target user crosses that fence. Choose the location you’d like to fence and enter it in your Watchlist. You can do this both for “good” location and the “bad”. For example, many parents like to know if their kids have gotten home safe after school or if they are really at home when they say they are. The home in this case can be the “good” location. The bad location can be dangerous places parents don’t want their kids to go. This could be the local bar, or their untrustworthy friend’s house or even something like the mall on a weekday. How you want to use this particular feature is again to your discretion. Following Through The other thing you’ve got to do is following through with your location tracking. To make life easier for you, XNSPY collects a log of all the places they have been throughout the day to you can check in later when you have the time. Moreover, the Watchlist sends you instant notifications when a fence is crossed.

Location Tracking is Surprisingly Suitable for Setting Curfews
Features - New

Location Tracking is Surprisingly Suitable for Setting Curfews

Lately a lot of XNSPY parents have been sharing their experiences with the app, answering the question that we put up on this blog last month: what do YOU use XNSPY for? Here is the story of yet another mother and how she uses our location tracking feature to set curfews for her sons. She is truly the modern mother who has put technology on her side and made the best of her sons’ smartphone usage. My sons have a 9 o clock curfew, which means they have to be home by then no matter what. But of course, they are teenagers and they break this rule when they think I’m not home. They are growing boys and it only seems natural that they would want to go out for a few hours. Experience life oon their own, without their mother hovering over them. While I understand the place that they are coming from, I do not approve. Because when they sneak out, they are blatantly lying to me. That is neither good for our relationship nor their own safety. Sometimes, they sneak out after they think I’ve fallen asleep. And honestly, I was getting tired of them trying to double-cross me. I am their mother, but I’m also their disciplinarian. This is why I went ahead and installed XNSPY on their phones, which helps me with location tracking. How Does XNSPY Work? What you have to do is install the tracking app on your child’s phone, and then it basically does all the work for you. You can log onto the Control Panel and check Their current GPS location Their travel route history Set boundaries on areas you think are safe or unsafe And all of this occurs remotely, which basically means that they can be anywhere in the world, and I’d still know where they are. At the same time, the setting boundaries options lets me know if they are off visiting places that aren’t allowed. Like bars for instance. I am sent a notification by the app if they enter unsafe areas, which is pretty handy. How it Makes Curfews Easier My sons now know that I’ll always know whether they are home or not. Because the app runs invisibly in the backgrounds of their phones, they have no way of uninstalling it and tricking me anyway. Mreover, they think I’ve developed some form of mom superpowers that tells me if they’re breaking curfew without my notice. Now, if they’re not home on time, I just use XNSPY to find out where they are and go pick them up myself. It works, because now they just follow the rules or have to face the embarrassment of being picked up by their mother. Location tracking is also great for security, because if you feel like your kid is in danger or some form of trouble where they’re being held against their will, you’ll know exactly where they are. See Also: How Can I Track Cell Phone Location in Real Time? So I’d suggest you install XNSPY on your kid’s phone to really enforce a curfew without a hassle. Even if you do not need it for a curfew at this time, you’d need it for security later on. It is always better to take precaution than to use your parental app as some sort of damage control. That’s what I’ve learnt from this blog. Do you have a parenting or management story you’d like to share? We love hearing all about how YOU use the app to benefit your daily life. Write to us, give us advice, tips and tricks or just share an experience that you may think will benefit others.

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