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XNSPY Reviews

Find out how XNSPY has made a difference for parents, employers, and other concerned users.

Flinn Haggers, Fleet Manager

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Managing 12 drivers and trucks on my delivery business was hell. Then the management team decided to get XNSPY and we were able to get our drivers current locations in real time. We`ve never been more cost and time efficient!

Camilla Sanchez, Mother

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My children were not allowed to go to this summer concert in our city, but I had a feeling they would try anyway. Thankfully, XNSPY gives me alert on specific words, so I went ahead and put in “concert”. Caught my kids sneaking out just in time.

Kelly Berkovich, Mother

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Getting my bratty kids to listen to me is so much easier now. With XNSPY I just send remote commands to their phone to lock it up and don’t budge till they’ve completed their homework. Easily worth it!

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Emily Brown

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Some of our employees were having long periods of inactivity during working hours, so we decided to use XNSPY to monitor their device activities. It was revealed that they were sleeping on the job. We immediately addressed the issue by implementing new policies, which significantly improved productivity across the board.


Finley Carter

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XNSPY has been really helpful in ensuring workplace safety by monitoring employee device usage. It helps prevent any misuse of company resources, keeps work-related activities on track, and ensures a more secure and productive work environment for everyone


Dylan Phillips

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XNSPY revealed that my child was using a VPN to bypass the school’s internet filters. I was shocked to discover this hidden activity. The app gave me clear insights into their behavior and i was able to address the issue and explain the risks to him. It’s a must-have tool for parents wanting to stay informed.


Maisie Cook

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I am using this app for more than a year. This is a very useful app.


Callum Harris

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I love that I can see exactly what my child is doing online. It keeps them on track without being too intrusive

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