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Get Started Now Live DemoWhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps out there, with over 3 billion people using it. It is known for being super easy to use, and that is a big reason why more than 21% of teens are on it regularly.
Good? One cannot be so sure anymore due to the rise in WhatsApp scams messages, which can be difficult for tweens and teens to identify. With the level of sophistication scammers have reached, parents must keep a close eye on these scams – and their kid’s phones.
Read on to learn more about the most common scams and how you can protect your kids from them.
Why do Scammers Use WhatsApp?
Before that though, you need to be aware of the reason behind the widespread use of WhatsApp for scams.
It is not just because it is insanely popular (though that helps). Scammers prefer WhatsApp because all they need is a phone number to send messages. That makes reaching potential victims incredibly easy for them.
Another reason is WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption. While great for privacy, it also makes it tough to trace messages back to the scammers, giving them a layer of protection.
And most of us use WhatsApp daily and feel pretty secure while doing so. Scammers take full advantage of that false sense of security.
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15 Types of WhatsApp Scams You Should Know
What can help you better identify WhatsApp scams is awareness. We have listed below 15 scams that you and your kids can frequently encounter on WhatsApp.
1. WhatsApp Job Scams
Job scams on WhatsApp became popular during COVID-19 because of an increased demand for freelancers and remote jobs. The modus operandi of these scammers is to send people a job offer via WhatsApp as representatives of a renowned company. Most of these opportunities offer flexible hours, a hefty salary, and other benefits.
However, there is a twist as is the case with all scams. The person must fill out a form or submit a fee before proceeding forward. In both these situations, they will either be losing their money or personal information like social security number, full name, birth date, address, etc. Some scammers even get the task but never pay them the promised amount.
All such offers that appear out of the blue or are unreal must be treated with suspicion. Be mindful that no company approaches an individual if they never applied.
2. WhatsApp Tech Support Scams
Cybercriminals scam unsuspecting individuals by posing as tech support. They claim to be talking from WhatsApp support and request them to verify their identity or visit a link to sort out an urgent matter.
However, as soon as the person visits the link or verifies their identity from any third-party app, their WhatsApp account becomes inaccessible to them. This is because they use the information to hack into the other person’s WhatsApp account and steal their data.
Remember, if WhatsApp were to ever text someone, there would be a blue verification mark alongside its name.
In case a representative asks you to share your credit card, bank details, social security number, etc, never do so because it is most probably a scammer. What you can do instead is go directly to WhatsApp support and talk to them from an email or number on their official website.
3. WhatsApp Malware Scams
The prime goal of these scams is to gain complete control of someone’s phone and steal their personal information. The most common form of these scams is the infamous WhatsApp Gold scam.
Almost every year, WhatsApp users are informed that their regular accounts can be hacked if they do not upgrade to WhatsApp Gold. What is WhatsApp Gold, you ask? Scammers advertise it as a premium version of WhatsApp with more features and updates designed for celebrities and other famous people.
Various users also receive links from an account that looks identical to WhatsApp’s official account to install the app. The catch, however, is that no such version of WhatsApp exists. Users who fall for these claims end up unknowingly installing malware that takes over their phones and steals their sensitive data.
Other ways of getting malware in a phone are by accessing links sent by unknown numbers with text indicating a software update, reward, special news, etc.
4. WhatsApp Dating Scams
WhatsApp romance scams can both be targeted and untargeted. For untargeted scams, scammers send a single message to many numbers in hopes of striking a conversation with one of them.
Contrary to that, a targeted dating scam means it is probable that the scammer has already met the victim through a dating app and then requested them to switch to WhatsApp instead.
Needless to say, in both cases, after a particular time has passed and the scammer has professed their undying love to the victim, they start asking them to send money, share explicit pictures, invest in cryptocurrency, or access certain links.
Regardless of the method used, the affected individual can suffer monetary losses, blackmail, sextortion, phone hacking with malware, etc.
5. WhatsApp Giveaway Scams
Giveaways, lotteries, gifts, and coupon scams are all carried out in the same manner by scammers. A person receives a WhatsApp message asking them to use a link, fill out a form, complete a survey, pay a fee, etc to receive rewards or prizes. Since the offers are mostly too good or from seemingly legitimate companies, the person ends up following the instructions.
As a result, many people have lost their credit details, social security numbers, bank details, personal tax information, and other personal data to these scams. As is evident, the scammer uses this information to steal their identity, credit loans, or transfer their money.
Therefore, you mustn’t add your personal information to any third-party apps or fall for rewards that you never applied for or earned in the first place.

Did You Know?
You can remotely block any app on someone’s Android phone with just a tap.
6. WhatsApp Call Forwarding Scams
In call-forwarding scams, targeted users receive a call from an unknown number. The user is then asked to dial a specific number on their keypad while on call under the guise of tech support. For example, users can be asked to call a number to fix a WhatsApp or delivery issue.
But when the number is dialed, it does not sort the supposed issue and instead enables call forwarding to the scammer’s phone. While the user is on the call with them, the scammer then tries to hack their WhatsApp account by requesting a one-time password via phone call.
However, the user never receives the call since call forwarding is activated and the scammers get their hands on the user’s WhatsApp verification code.
Another type of this vishing scam is the voicemail hacking scam. If the scammers have some of the user’s information like phone number, they can request a one-time code through voice call. Since they know that the call is received immediately, they begin calling the user too. As a result, the verification code is left as a voicemail in the user’s inbox.
If they have not changed their default PIN, scammers can easily hack into their WhatsApp accounts.
7. WhatsApp Crypto Scams
Crypto scams on WhatsApp have recently become common due to the rise in crypto trading. To target people, scammers can add random numbers to a crypto trading group, text a person but pretend to have gotten the number wrong, or advertise free crypto trading sessions on other social media platforms.
Lastly, they can also opt for crypto romance scams by getting involved with a person romantically and then pushing them to invest in a crypto platform.
Once cybercriminals have reeled people in, some particularly “enthusiastic” people in the group (fellow scammers) begin gushing over their earnings and gains to the newcomers. By doing so, scammers push people to trust them and comply when they ask them to switch their cryptocurrency from authentic platforms to the one they recommend.
The outcome is that the victims never get their cryptocurrency back and might even lose their crypto wallet information. To avoid this, you must be wary of opportunities that promise unrealistic returns and never share payment details on an unfamiliar website.
8. WhatsApp Verification Code Scams
To hack into people’s accounts, scammers reach out to people as relatives, friends, or random people. They claim to have mistakenly sent their WhatsApp verification code to the other person’s SIM and then request them to share the code with them.
In scams where relatives or friends are particularly involved, it seems very believable and most people end up following through with the request. However, the reality of the situation is that their account too is already hacked.
Therefore, when the other person shares the code, the scammer logs into their account and makes the account inaccessible to the original owner of the account. As a result, all their private information on WhatsApp can then be sold to third parties or used for blackmail.
To not fall prey to these scams, never share your verification code with anyone no matter the situation. Remember, only the verification code of your own account can sent to your number. It is not possible to get anyone else’s verification code.
9. WhatsApp Charity Scams
For charity scams, scammers pose as members of a well-known charity or claim to be working for a cause that has recently gained traction. They are especially very active during the holiday season to use people’s goodwill against them.
Scammers also use emotional and high-pressure tactics to extract money for causes like the famine in Ethiopia, the war in Ukraine, etc. But the reality of the situation is that these are fake charities and the money does not go to any cause. The donated money is instead transferred to their account.
To do so, they use their tech expertise to create secure-looking websites that do not raise any red flags for a regular visitor. Therefore, telling apart a fake website from an original one can be difficult for non-tech-savvy users.
However, before donating, you should always check the URL and see if it is genuine. You can also look up the charity and directly donate from their linked website.

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Because digital safety starts with awareness.
10. WhatsApp Real Estate Scams
A real estate WhatsApp scam involves a scammer pretending to be a buyer or seller of property and contacting a real estate agent via WhatsApp. As a fake buyer, they get in touch with the agent and show interest in purchasing a particular property.
However, they inform the agent that they are only capable of paying in cryptocurrency and need the verification code sent to their number to complete the payment. However, in reality, they use the code to log into the agent’s cryptocurrency account and steal their money.
On the other hand, as a fake seller, they claim a property to be theirs and display the desire to sell it off. In this case, they push the agent for a contract, listing, or closing to get some money from the interested buyer and then disappear.
Scams like these result in huge loss of banking credentials or cryptocurrency loss alongside immense emotional distress.
11. WhatsApp Impersonation Scams
Impersonation scams are simple. The scammer texts a person from an unknown number and pretends to their family or friend in trouble. They can say that they have changed their number, broken their phone, or lost it somewhere.
Proceeding forward, they ask the concerned individual to make an urgent money transaction on a given account because they need help, and failure to do so will have severe repercussions. For example, their account will permanently be blocked or they will lose their credit score. However, once the transfer is through, the scammer blocks them.
Overall, these scams are very believable and scammers can even use deepfake AI to create voice notes in the person’s voice by taking samples from their social media accounts.
But a simple solution to these scams is to simply check with the family member or friend the scammer is posing as on their previous number. Also, see if their writing style is completely different from the original person’s or if they are refusing to come on voice or video call.
12. WhatsApp Security Alert Scams
Fake security alert scams received on WhatsApp are mostly related to bank accounts. Scammers tell the person that there has been fraudulent activity on their bank account and that they need to use the link sent to update their information and protect their account urgently.
As is the pattern by now, these are phishing websites, and the verification process in these links requires the person’s personal and bank details. Once the details are submitted, the scammer gains access to their account and steals their information or takes out loans in their name.
To avoid these attempts, you must remember the fact that a bank never reaches out to its customers first. You must check with their official helpline first before accessing a link or entering information.
13. WhatsApp Investment Scams
Scammers use WhatsApp Investment group scams to prey on people looking to earn easy money.
To lure people in, they advertise a free investment trading course on other social media platforms. Once a person displays interest in the said course, they are added to a WhatsApp group. On the contrary, they can also simply add random WhatsApp numbers to a group.
Once in the group, they begin sharing tips and then claim to be capable enough to help the users earn money. Moreover, they promise users unrealistic returns on their investments if they follow the exact guidelines.
Here is where the scam begins, their guidelines basically include an investment platform that is compulsory to use. Users initially might even be able to make money from it. As time passes and its authenticity is established, users invest more. However, they are never able to withdraw large sums of their money because the platform is owned by the scammer.
Not only do the users lose their money but also crucial data like bank details, cryptocurrency wallet, etc.
14. WhatsApp Business Account Scams
Business account scams are a type of phishing scam. Scammers pose as legitimate businesses on e-commerce and other platforms. Once a person shows interest in an offer or product, they entrap them with a too-good-to-be-true discount.
However, the twist is that the user must leave the platform and get in touch with the scammer on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp, in this case, is used to evade oversight and to easily pressure victims into getting the products. Once the conversation ensues, they give users even better offers and create high-pressure conditions to make them cave.
After the user has sent the money for the product in advance or used a malicious link to pay, they disappear and the order is never received. Note that if a malicious link is used for payment, users do not only lose money initially but also their sensitive data like credit details for further exploitation.
To not fall prey to these scams, a simple trick is to only buy from authentic platforms and be wary of excessive discounts.
15. WhatsApp Wrong Number Scams
Scammers use the wrong number scam by sending a friendly message to a targeted user’s number. Once sent, they later pretend to have gotten the number wrong and profusely apologize. However, they do not leave at that. They then begin trying to start a conversation with the user in the hope of creating a bond with them eventually.
In most cases, people who are lonely and in need of someone fall for these and begin conversing. Over a period of time, they continue to keep in touch with the user and after a while propose that the user should invest in a business that generates someone they know insane returns.
In truth, the platform or business suggested belongs to the scammer, and investing in it results in monetary losses and theft of personal information.
Signs to Spot a WhatsApp Scam
If you are careful enough, you can always help your children and loved ones avoid these scams.
Look out for the following recurring signs:
- Grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and overall poor English can give away a scammer easily because they do not put much effort into their messages.
- Unknown numbers are a big red flag and one need not engage in conversations with them needlessly.
- Generic greetings like “Hi dad”, “hi babe”, etc. are used by scammers to avoid having to name the person.
- Suspicious-looking links in WhatsApp dating scams, fake security alert scams, etc redirect you to phishing websites.
- Vague details are also something you should be wary of in case of job offers, donations, investments, etc.
How to Prevent Scams on WhatsApp: 5 Proven Methods
Unfortunately, knowing the signs alone cannot solve the problem. It is completely possible that people still become victims of these scams because of a lack of preventive measures in place.
Do not wait for the next scam to take proper measures. Begin today with these five easy tips.
1. Use the XNSPY Phone Monitoring App

Digital safety in today’s era is scarce and more so with people who can be easily exploited and targeted like children, the elderly, etc. Since you cannot always trust them to make rational decisions, it is best that you gain peace of mind by constantly tracking their WhatsApp and other phone activity with a monitoring app.
XNSPY is a powerful parental monitoring app that can help you identify scammers on your child’s WhatsApp. You can install it on your kid’s phone and remotely track their WhatsApp messages, shared media, and call logs. It also includes a keylogger that records everything typed, helping you catch phishing attempts and other scam-related conversations.
Also, XNSPY allows you to monitor web browsing history, so you can identify if they have visited dangerous phishing sites by clicking on links shared through WhatsApp. With its real-time updates and remote accessibility, you can take action immediately, ensuring your loved ones stay safe from potential threats.
With all of these logs at your disposal, you can not only see their WhatsApp scams messages in real-time but also get to keep an eye on all their activity on iPhone and Android remotely and discreetly.
2. Enable 2FA

Another way to protect children against scams is by helping them enable two-factor authentication. To do so, you need to open their WhatsApp settings, tap account, select two-step verification, and then click turn on or set up a PIN. Once redirected, enter a six-digit PIN of their choice and confirm it. Then give their email address, click next, confirm email, and finish by tapping save.
Now, this PIN will always be needed to access your child’s WhatsApp account, therefore, preventing hacking attempts. Moreover, even if someone tries to access their WhatsApp elsewhere, like in WhatsApp verification scams, the scammers will still need the PIN and WhatsApp will send an email alert to your child.
3. Stay Informed

With every passing day, the sophistication of scammers increases manifolds and therefore, if a new scam is in the market, tweens and teens might fall prey to it because of their obliviousness. To avoid this, you must educate them and raise awareness.
Keep a keen eye on what new scams are becoming mainstream and talk to your children, loved ones, and elderly about them. With this awareness, they will be less likely to believe the fine web of lies woven by cyber criminals involved in WhatsApp crypto scams, WhatsApp investment scams, etc.
4. Verify Before Acting

If someone contacts your child and asks them to take immediate action, teach them that instead of following their instinct to comply, they must verify the information first. Sit down with them and discuss in detail that if such a situation arises, they should reach out to the original source that the scammer is claiming to be.
Be it a bank, delivery service, friend, family member, etc, they must call them to inquire about the matter before giving away any money or information. For example, to detect WhatsApp job scams, they can always call the helpline of the company to inquire about the job opportunity.
5. Get Antivirus Software

Installing a trusted antivirus software in your child’s phone and other devices can secure their phone. These software are proficient in detecting faulty links, blocking phishing websites, and prohibiting the installation of any malware and viruses. Therefore, using a good antivirus can help you protect your children and loved ones from scammers.
Moreover, in case a scammer has already installed malware on their phone, an antivirus can find it and uninstall it to ensure digital safety. With this preventive measure in place, they will no longer be losing their personal information in WhatsApp business account scams or related frauds.
Final Word of Advice
Anyone can become a victim of WhatsApp scams anywhere. There is nothing to be ashamed of. What you should instead do is report it and spread awareness among your loved ones. For this, you can instigate healthy discussions about scams when deemed necessary.
Moreover, you must be very keen on your child’s online habits and digital safety. To prevent financial losses, blackmail, identity theft, etc, you must take necessary measures, like XNSPY, antivirus software, and 2FA.
Regardless of the methods employed, make sure your child is never left unsupervised with their phone for an extended period.
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