4 Signs that Your Parenting Style Probably Sucks
We get a lot of parents that write to us about their problematic children, and we give them the best advice we possibly can about how XNSPY can help them with their woes. But today I came to wonder; have parents ever stopped to think if they might be the problem? If their kid is acting out and being troublesome, perhaps it is not their fault. Perhaps it is the outcome of a parenting style that quite frankly, well… sucks. When You Have No Ground Rules The first sign of a bad parent is one who does not set any ground rules for the kids. It is nice to have a free forming, spontaneous relationship with your kids. This way the two of you can grow and evolve together. However, you must have some dos and don’ts for your household about certain things; defined parameters so to speak. They can be pretty basic—no leaving the house past 8, going to bed by 9, no smartphones at the table. If you’ve never laid down a few simple rules that guide your child’s life, you’re not doing parenting right. When You Just Can’t Say “No” Parents that just can’t say “no” to their kids are not doing them any favors. There are lots of studies that have proven that spoiled kids grow up to be rather unhappy adults. Imagine getting every single wish fulfilled while you were younger. Then leaving the nest and realizing that life simply is not that easy. That they’ve got to work for what they want, and often they would meet failure. Because they have never been told “no” in the past, they are not properly equipped to deal with failure, or coping when things don’t go their way. When Your Child Bothers You On Purpose This is a really interesting tip from Cure Joy: Children need physical affection. It is in fact beneficial in their formative years. Positive Parenting describes this phenomenon as the power of touch, something that they claim helps in disciplining a child as well. When You Can’t Help But Yell Here is yet another tidbit from Cure Joy: Does this look familiar to one of our most common themes on this blog? This relates to bullying. And this is something we never thought of before. But one of the reasons why your child is being bullied at school could be that they never learnt to stand up for themselves. This could have been because you are prone to yelling at them in public. This is a humiliating experience for any child because it degrades them in front of their peers. Sure it makes you feel like bigger and more powerful than them for a few minutes, but you don’t realize the lasting impact you have on their personalities. If you find yourself adopting some of these styles, it is time to reevaluate your parenting techniques. More often than not it is the kids themselves that tell you when something in your parenting isn’t going right. It may not be in words, but it may be through troublesome actions. As the parent, you need to pick up on these signs and improve yourself while you still can. Read More: XNSPY Helped Me Build Trust With My Child Someone Stole My Phone but XNSPY Location Tracker Helped Me Get it Back Parents Who Never Understood Kik Don’t Have To With XNSPY