
Infographic, Parenting Tips - New

Is Online Dating Safe? Let The Facts Do the Talking

Online dating sites have taken over the traditional match-making procedure in this digital age. Generally, when we try to look up for someone through the online dating sites, we consider the information shared here is honest and sincere. The truth is there are exceptions which you need to keep yourself aware of. Not everyone you meet online is honest and not everything you see online is true. In fact, online dating has some risks too such: Issues with personal safety when it is time to meet someone in person who you met online Getting trapped in fraud as you never truly know the other person Harassment, stalking and cyberbullying People pretending to be someone they are not Getting phishing emails that claim to be from an online dating site which encourage you to divulge your personal information These are just a few risk. Online dating can be full of scams, lies, and even unexpected dangers. Whether it is adults or teens, online dating has its dark side that can hit just about anyone. You will be surprised to learn what the statistics have to say. Not all the online dating apps and websites are dangerous. With some common sense strategies, you can make your online dating experience safe and stay away from the online predators.  Check out the infographic below to find out the extent of risk involved: Information Source:

Child Sexual Exploitation Facts

Online Child Sexual Exploitation Facts & Stats

Every year, millions of children are sexually abused all around the world. Our society is being plagued and this has to stop once and for all! As members of this society, it’s our responsibility to be protective of the children around us. But it’s just getting dangerous for our kids to go to school or even play in the park because of the stalkers and pedophiles lurking around them through both their real and digital space. It’s not just the duty of parents to protect their kids against any sort of physical exploitation, but we as a society needs to make it happen. Report child sexual crimes, because it’s your duty! The proliferation of child sexual abuse and crimes pose a long-run threat to our society, but what’s even worse than the abuse is not reporting the crime to the authorities. You, as the protector of your kids, should always be aware of what your kids are up to. From their online friends to apps and games that they play, to places and real-world friends that they have, you need to know all of that; because you are their guardian! Using monitoring tools on their mobile devices could tell you a lot about what your kids are going through or who they are into. With XNSPY, you can help your child and provide them the assistance without having to nudge them for any of it.  

Amanda Todd

Man Linked to Amanda Todd Case Accused of 72 charges In Global Cyberbullying Case

Dutchman Aydin C. faces 72 charges after being accused of extorting young teenage girls. Aydin C. would get young teen girls to pose nude for him and would then would use the pictures to blackmail them. Aydin C. has now gone on trial in Amsterdam. He is suspected of having forced several young women internationally. His victims are mostly young women from Britain, United Stated, and Canada. He would force all of these young women to perform lewd acts in front of a webcam. His charges include computer sex crimes, creating and possessing child pornography, among blackmail, fraud, and possession of drugs. He denies all 72 charges. His Link With Amanda Todd Amanda Todd was a 15-year-old girl from Canada who posted a video on Youtube where she, with flashcards, told audience her experiences of being bullied and harmed. She also told of how she was blackmailed into exposing herself on webcam. On October 10, 2012, Amanda Todd committed suicide. The video went viral after her death. Aydin C. wanted in Canada for trial in the case of Amanda Todd. He posed as a young woman and would groom young teens until they were comfortable enough with him to eventually have his victims pose nude in front of a webcam. 34 victims are identified. After he obtained these harmful images, his tone would change to a more sinister one where he would threaten to reveal the pictures to the victim’s friends and family if they did not comply. Five gay men were also a target of Aydin C. who presented himself as a young teenage boy. He used the same techniques as he did with the young teenage girls and would blackmail the men and threaten to reveal their sexualities. He once extorted $1,100 into his account. Aydin C. was particular and careful with his techniques and would use several aliases such as ‘Tyler Boo’, ‘Kelsy Rain’ etc. He even used a program tool to appear as a young girl when chatting with them via webcam. Investigators recovered 204,000 pictures from hard drives recovered from Aydin C.’s residence. Investigators, however, did not detail what the content of these images was. Aydin C.’s arrest came when Facebook informed Dutch authorities in 2013 that a ‘sextortionist’ was active in The Netherlands. Following the arrest, Canadian authorities asked for his extradition in the case of Amanda Todd. The extradition was granted by a Dutch court and is now under appeal before the Dutch Supreme Court. Taking Cyberbullying Head On Cases like this portray how far predators are willing to go in the case of cyberbullying and the amount of damage they are willing to cause. It is imperative that cases like these are never repeated and preventive measures are in order. Amanda Todd’s appeal for help was overlooked and ignored and it came into the spotlight too little too late. The reason why XNSPY exists is to never let this type of case repeat itself.

Mobile Surveillance and Teenage Privacy
Mobile Spy

Mobile Surveillance and Teenage Privacy Don’t Have to Be Mortal Enemies

It wasn’t very long ago that keeping your children protected on their digital devices was an easy ordeal. The entire family had one PC that often resided in what we called the PC room. The television sets came with built in parental controls. The home telephone was connected so that you could always listen in to your children’s conversations. But we’ve moved on from that now and things have started to get complicated. We’re now considering cell phone surveillance on an entirely new level. Check out this infographic from UKnowKids: From Communal to Single We’re now in the times of the handheld technology. Where once there used to be 1 PC per family, you now have 1 smartphone, 1 tablet and 1 laptop per person. Sometimes more, if you consider the fact that some people have work laptops, some kids have computers just for gaming and that sometimes families have a “communal” tablet in addition to the personal devices. Kids now have the entire world’s knowledge in the palm of their hands. They have access to so much information that the mind boggles. In the past it was easier for parents to control the sorts of information that a child attained on the internet. But now there are just so many more avenues. Not to mention that the need for constant connectivity has taken over where social media has become the primary method in which people connect. In this scenario, it has become more pertinent than ever before that parents be full aware of the modern methods of monitoring that are at their disposal. We’ve moved past the time where the inbuilt parental control settings on your television set was the only way you could conduct monitoring. These days, you are restricted only by your imagination. There exist so many parental control methods that your new dilemma is not how to monitor but what app to choose for monitoring. Before we go on and tell you about our choice of app, let’s talk about what parental controls are for and for what they are not. What Parental Controls are For They are a means for you to protect your children in situations where hyper-connectivity can be a  threat. There are many cyber dangers out there that you need to be aware of as a parent. For instance, cyberbullying is a problem that has plagued children for as long as the internet has existed. Where there is freedom of speech combined with the safety of anonymity, you can bet your bottom dollar that children will let their guard down and say whatever comes to mind. This will be regardless of who gets hurt… no thought is put into how their words will be received. Go to the comments section of any YouTube video or find yourself in Facebook forums and you’ll find cases of cyberbullying. In the same way, internet anonymity has made it easier for predators to look for their victims. Malicious strangers look for vulnerable people online to exploit in any way they can. If you remember, a while ago there was a show on the air called “To Catch a Predator.” This show highlighted how pedophiles use chat rooms to talk to, groom, and meet up with and solicit minors. The worst part is that these cases were not even rare or few. (Diazepam) They happen every time a minor goes online and chats anonymously with strangers. Therefore, parental controls can be used to monitor a child’s communication with online strangers and to elicit the nature of those communications. What Parental Controls are NOT For Parental controls are not a means for you to restrict your child’s internet access altogether. It may seem like wise idea at first to have your kids grow up in a household without internet. In reality, you will be denying them of all the information that is good for them. You will be denying them of the growth and knowledge of the modern world. You need to understand that most education these days is designed around the use of technology. It helps a child learn way more than just through books. Moreover, most jobs now require one to have top notch tech and internet knowledge. Businesses, forums, education centers, hospitals, restaurants… everything is now online. Stopping them from being part of this world would be stopping their world of opportunities. Not only will you be putting their mental development on hold, you’ll be taking away their chances of learning new things. Finding Middle Ground There is a need for teenage privacy facing off with a just as ferocious need for parental cell phone surveillance. When you find yourself in these crossroads as a parent, turns to apps that will help you monitor in a wireless way. XNSPY, for example is an app that remotely connects your child’s smartphone to your own laptop or smartphone so that you can read anything that goes on. In this way, you persist with your responsibility as a parent to look after your child’s digital well being. At the same time, your child does not feel like you are constantly breathing down their necks. They can experience their digital world normally. They can learn new things; they can connect with all sorts of people. And they can do all of this in the safest way possible because you’ll be there to guide them when things go wrong.

Monitoring App
Child Control

10 mistakes that your children need to avoid at any cost

We all make mistakes and there is no denying that. But most of the times, we forget how valuable lessons we learn by committing those errors. Not that we should be making mistakes, it’s about petty errors that were are bound to make; they might be frustrating but they aren’t life altering in any way. For instance, forgetting to switch off the lights before leaving house or leaving homework or lunch money at home (during school days) were a few mistakes that taught us to be responsible. In fact, it’s now believed and many educators stress that we should let our children make mistakes. They should know how making mistakes reiterate positive behavior and takes care of the forgetfulness. “Childhood is a continual, long-term process of learning how to make our way in the world, and parents who short-circuit that education by rescuing their kids are not doing them any favors.” Said Jessica Lahey, author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed, in an interview with TODAY Parents. If kids are encouraged to take responsibility of their actions, this could soon turn them into problem-solving, and responsible people who would know how to make use of the available resources to their advantage, effectively. According to a report by The Atlantic, challenges empower kids to transform themselves into competent, confident and resourceful adults. But then, there are mistakes that have long-term repercussions but our kids don’t know their intensity, it’s when parents need to take control of their kids’ actions to ensure that they won’t do anything that could adversely alter their kids’ lives. Parenting landscape has changed—there are unprecedented challenges that have resulted from smartphones and social media use by our kids who are tempted to make a stronger social presence, be it at the cost of their integrity, self respect or whole life. Mistakes made online like sharing naked photos, or participating in inappropriate posts could haunt your child for the rest of their lives. These are the 10 mistakes that you should help your child avoid in any case. Sexting Our XNSPY blog is full of discussions about the risks of sexting, and it’s because we know how lethal this act usually ends up into. Sexting is defined as an act that includes sharing of explicit photos and messages over mobile devices or computers, and teens are quite known for sharing naked photos with people who they trust. But sometimes, these photos fall into wrong hands, and sometimes it goes maliciously wrong if the relationship doesn’t work out. More importantly, sending such images also count as child pornography where your child could end up with criminal charges. Over-sharing Some kids are excessively gregarious, so it’s inevitable for them to share their feelings with the rest. However, you have to remind your kids that they can’t share their personal details like telephone numbers, home address, current location, full date of birth etc. with others. They need to know that if this information falls into the wrong hands, they could end with losing their identity to someone, or could open up opportunities for child predators to get to them. Recommended For You:  Parental Control App – Cell Phone Parental Control Software Using Public Wi-Fi Resisting public Wi-Fi by kids is like resisting pint by an adult; it’s extremely impossible! Kids need to be totally watchful of their online activities and should NEVER share sensitive information on the internet because it’s dangerous. Much worse than that is using public Wi-Fi. Most free Wi-Fi hotspots aren’t free really. In return for the free internet connection, they take away your cell phone data and sell it either to a third-party advertising company or use it for their own. Password sharing Too often teens share passwords with their friends and partners for the sake of expediency. But what they don’t remember is that childhood friendships don’t last forever, always. A frenemy (an enemy who was your friend once) could largely ruin your kids’ reputation with damaging online posts. Public humiliation Using internet and social media to blow off steam is an absolute no. A child posting negative posts online about their parents, teachers, coaches, etc. could impact their future prospects like college admission and employment. If your kids don’t understand that internet is not the place where they could vent anger and frustration, they could soon end up in hot water. College admissions officers and even employers take into consideration the online record of individuals, and if they find it unprofessional or disrespectful, it could be a deathblow to your children’s future. Catfishing Catfishing involves forging a relationship with someone using a fake identity. The motives for catfishing include embarrassing the victim, or faking one’s real age to get into friendships. Tell your child not to talk to someone who they haven’t met in real life. Social media doesn’t have to be a platform for anonymous interactions and online friendships with strangers. cyberbullying Cyberbullying is one of the prominent problems associated with the aggrandizement of internet that has already influenced a large young population. It’s been considered so virulent that different countries have started taking actions to curb it down. For instance, Prince Williams has organized a force that especially looks into this issue. You have to remind your child about the risks of cyberbullying and how to avoid being a victim of it. You also need to ensure that your children aren’t the instigators of this form of abuse. If your child has been victimized and bullied online, it could really sever their academic performance and self-esteem. Therefore, it’s important that you take note of your kids’ online behavior and use a monitoring app to make monitoring easy for you.   Not updating privacy settings Another issue is that of the privacy settings on our social media accounts that are in a continuous flux. Most of us don’t really care a lot about how our privacy settings look like. Our epiphanies don’t

Cyberbullying and white house
Android, iPhone spying

U.S Elections: Cyberbullying Reaches the White House

As the results are announced for U.S Presidential elections 2016, Donald Trump has managed to achieve the most unexpected victory in the history of the United States. The political uncertainty of the Great America has been revealed from the unexpected results of these elections. This extraordinary development has received mixed reviews from all over the world. The world is still in shock as Mr. Trump is heading towards the White House, but what’s done is done. Mrs. Clinton has conceded the elections and so have the Americans. It is time to know what the future holds for us. Throughout his campaign, Trump candidacy has faced serious criticism on his extreme policies and sexist behavior. However, despite these controversies, Trump campaign highlighted some areas they would prioritize during their reign. Now is the time to deliver their promise. During her husband’s campaign, Mrs. Melania Trump pledged to tackle the issue of cyberbullying should she become the First Lady of U.S. Many people showed disbelief on her statement, keeping in mind her husband’s sexist behavior on social media. Trump is notorious for his rants and insults on social media and using abusive language online. Such words coming out of his wife’s mouth are quite at odds with his behavior. However, the First Lady has her own concerns. Being a mother to a 10-year old boy Barron, she fears the perils of cyberbullying, especially on social media. In her speech she said, “Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers”. Her statement shows concern over the current American culture. Cyberbullying can be quite intimidating as it has some intense consequences. The problem is more acute in children, specifically teenagers, as there are so many platforms available to bullies. Advocating the cause to fight cyberbullying, she further stated that, “It is never okay when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied or attacked. It is terrible when that happens on the playground and it is unacceptable when it’s done by someone with no name hiding on the internet. She added, “We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other.” We may despise their policies but we need to appreciate her stance on cyberbullying. The issue may not be new to us but as parents or well-informed citizens, we need to eradicate this problem from our society. What is difficult is that parents don’t mostly know what is happening in their children’s’ life. To keep their children safe from ‘digital harassment’ many parents prefer to use spying apps. Parents must install android monitoring like XNSPY to track their child’s activities discreetly. Not only they can review online communications of their children but also learn about their whereabouts. iPhone spy apps are also available for parents to view their children’s offline and online activities. It is believed that Lady Trump understands the social perils of cyberbullying. She has promised to add positive influence into the social media and its freedom. We have heard her claiming how her husband would bring real change within America by ensuring respect for women and focusing on child security and safety. Let’s see how successful they are in moving some new bills regarding cyberbullying.

Victims of Online Predators
Cyberbullying, How To, Social Media

Infographic: Victims of Online Predators – A Demographic Breakdown

Great technological inventions among people have profoundly shaped our culture, communication, media, society, and entertainment. However, with these benefits come great dangers that every person should know about. What are Online Predators? Many people are not clear about what “online predators” are and what they are capable of doing, which is why they take this online threat too easy. According to, they are adult online users, who find children or adolescents to sexually abuse or harass them for personal satisfaction. These predators use the information they can gather using all communication technology and the internet to locate their target and victimize them. An interesting and equally horrifying fact says 50% of sexual offenders are married or in a long-term relationship. Sexual predators are master manipulators. They use the anonymity of the Internet to their advantage and target both boys and girls of all ages. They possess skills that can cripple any person’s sense of awareness. Always in search for more tech savvy and emotionally vulnerable kids as their targets. This infographic will give you a detailed demographic analysis into victims of online predators and how everyone using the internet is a likely prey to some very dangerous threats. The victims of online predators can be male or female, of any age, and of any ethnicity, from anywhere in the world. Let’s get into it!!! Reasons You’d Love XNSPY XNSPY is the most convenient and accessible way of protecting people against predator attacks. Given today’s social media usage it ain’t difficult for Xnspy to keep track of all activities Increased third Party apps use and reliability has raised a lot of threats, so screen conversations from popular ones like WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, KIK, Line, and Facebook Create a watch list of specific offensive words Get instant alerts against unknown or new locations visited Listen to unknown calls and even have those calls recorded Keep an eye on saved photos and videos of an Android or iOS device Instantly lock the target device whenever you want Check installed apps and even prevent installing offensive or unwanted apps Conclusion: This isn’t it—there are tons of other digital villains lurking around your child’s cyberspace. It’s our responsibility to create social awareness about cyber threats, and it’s not possible without educating ourselves first. Set moderate digital rules at home that aren’t too harsh on your children, so they wouldn’t have to acquiesce, or in a worst case, retaliate. Educate yourself about the online threats, because that’s the only way you can keep your kids safe, and make sure you remember the aforementioned tips on identifying the online predators. Keep people you love safe!

How Social Media Is Affecting Young Girls
Child Monitoring, Cyberbullying

How social media is affecting young girls

It’s not the first time that we would be to talking about internet safety and kids on this platform, but considering how the online world distinctively affects gender is another important issue that needs some consideration. Unfortunately, girls aren’t just prone to the usual online predating and sexual temptation when they go online, they also have to deal with the unrealistic body standards and the inevitable and vicious bullying for those who don’t comply. It’s a sad online world. We have been striving to raise our daughters that would turn out to be intelligent, positive brave and independent, but with social media, everything works in opposition to our aspirations and dreams. As a parent, having a knowledge of all the possible perils could be one way of saving your girl from engaging in risky behaviors. Online Predators and Catfishing The ease with which online sexual abusers are able to get to our daughters is inexplicable. The anonymity of the internet and less stringent policies have made it all too easy for online predators to purport as some teen. These people can easily sign up on social media with fake photos to create a fake online persona which girls easily buy into. In fact, this issue is extremely perverse in nature with one out of every five users (10 to 17 years old) receiving some sort of unwanted sexual advances, already. In the worst case scenario, it could get really tense, leading to kidnapping or rape. (Xanax bars) Sexual predators are able to lure teenagers, especially girls, on social media with their extremely professional catfishing skills, convincing them to arrange a dangerous personal meeting. What’s more appalling is the fact that around 30 percent of teenage girls have already met a stranger in person that they first met online. Catfishing, i.e. faking your identity, is also used for less detrimental reasons like gaining access to private information, making friends, and so on. These kinds of users are usually going to stay off the radar and prefer to stick with the stuff that they receive online—it’s enough for them. Cyberbullying Cyberbullying may not be as bad as rape or kidnapping, but it sure leaves young girls with intense repercussions. Your child’s peers can spew raging and heartbreaking comments at them that could lead to embarrassment, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. Cyberbullying isn’t an issue that needs parents’ attention in school meetings only; it’s a state-level issue and young people aren’t the only victims. Cyberbullying may not leave any physical scarring, but it does create an impact that mentally crushes a child’s personality and puts them to isolation, emotional distress, anxiety, depression and more. In fact, if we look at the figures for suicide rates among girls ages between 10-14, they have actually risen by 200 percent [Source: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. And if compared with deaths due to diseases, suicides unfortunately outnumber them. Though there haven’t been any evidences that could link cyberbullying with suicides in young girls, but it’s not difficult to built a non-formal, non-scientific relationship. Girls, as compared to boys, are more emotional and are much better at verbal bullying (where boys tend to be more psychical), so it’s understandable why the suicide rates are rising amongst teenage girls. The shame and devastation resulting from a rumor at school could aggrandize quickly due to easy dissemination of information. Though this is not a definite answer, but it’s worthwhile to look at some possible correlation between the two, that are, cyberbullying and teen suicide rates amongst girls. However, there have been studies proving the fact that it’s not just the bullied who is prone to a suicidal behavior, but the bullies themselves too, and that too with equal risk. Self-esteem and Body image Lastly, we would like to about the most important part that largely affects teen girls, i.e. body shaming and failing self-esteem. Girls feel constantly challenged to come up with something that will make them look think, cool and pretty. Social media in this case could lead to a perverse influence on your girl if she would start comparing her body with others, and especially models. Girls can easily fall for a comparative analysis of their body and lifestyle with their peers which is nothing more than a vicious cycle of measuring up each other’s crafted lives. This comparison particularly holds true for the issues of body image. The perfect body image as created by media and marketing organizations is realistically unattainable, and even though we all know that these images are edited before posting, our young daughters still strive to achieve the size zero figures. And while doing so, the distinction between fake and real is lost, and with that, one’s own conscience and self-esteem too. it’s also normal for girls to deprive themselves off food and nutrition to engage in self-destructive behavior. Social media is a valuable tool for every child and deprivation is not a solution. Make sure that you are tracking your daughter’s every move closely. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are some great socializing tools, but they also pose their own unique threats and extreme consequences.

Royal CyberBullying Task Force

Prince William to Create Royal Cyberbullying Task Force

Seems like the gravity of cyberbullying as a modern day issue has finally reached the grand halls of the Buckingham Palace. Prince Williams, who is now a father of two, fears that his own children will have to grow up in a world where cyber bulling exists. It makes complete sense, too. Already at the tender ages of 2 and 1, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are social media favorites. Their births broke the internet as people gathered outside the hospital, tweeting updates in real time. Then later on, their Baptism was livestreamed to the entire world as well. Needless to say, the Royal babies are already internet celebrities. Keeping this in mind, Prince William is speaking to the big shots of the internet world, talking about protecting children online. He spoke to the Chairmen at Twitter, Google, and an audience of top tech personnel, saying that when wife Catherine “Kate” Middleton and he decided to start a family, they were appalled by the ever increasing rates of cyberbulling reports. Sidenote: we should point out here that so many cases of cyberbulling go unreported. This means that the true scope of cyberbullying as a phenomenon is actually far greater than the “reports” would have you believe. Needless to say, we encourage that more parents actively take part in reporting such cases… a passive approach will only make things worse. As it so happens, Prince William’s approach to the issue is far from passive. He wishes to form a Cyberbullying Task Force and asks for tech gurus to lend their “energy and assistance” to turn something which is a worrying situation into an opportunity. This campaign is being launched as part of the broader mental health awareness campaign. The three royals, Prince William, Princess Kate and Prince Harry have each chosen an area of concentration in this campaign. Prince William has been working with young men with high suicide rates. Princess Kate has been wrking with young people. Prince Harry has been working with the mental health of military personnel. Prince William, in his address to the tech audience, mentioned the perks and progress that social media brings forward but also warns of the perils it entails. But he admitted that this problem is not a new one, neither one that he is unaccustomed to. On the contrary, he mentioned that as many others his age, he is always glued to his smartphone for many reasons… be it entertainment, news, gaming, even work. He also joked that no one spoil the England vs. Wales soccer game for him. And then he mentioned (matching his opinion with the XNSPY blog quite well, we might mentioned) that now, there is no difference between a child’s online and offline life anymore. Therefore it is important that a systematic task force be set up that can take everything that is good about the internet and social media and use it to strategize a cyberbulling remedy. And one more, much like the XNSPY blog, kids that use the internet are too young. They lack the mature and experience to make informed judgments about safety and people. We wholeheartedly agree with Prince William and we will reiterate what we’ve been talking about for a couple of years now. Something needs to be done. You already have the XNSPY Parental Control on your side as the hands on solution. Hopefully, the Task Force brings about the mass awareness on cyberbullying that the world needs.

XNSPY Mother's Day 2016
Events & Deals, Parental Monitoring

A Dedication to all XNSPY Moms on Mother’s Day 2016

It’s time of the year when we celebrate our most cherished partners—the XNSPY Moms. With their ferocious energy and their unparalleled dedication to raising their kids in the best way, they have continued to inspire us, inform us and make us better. So this blog is dedicated to them, for their endless efforts, their fierce commitment, and their willingness to keep on learning. Throughout the year, these amazing XNSPY mothers have shared their parenting techniques with us. And you know what? We’ve been enlightened on the many ways our app can be used that we ourselves did not realize. I find that quite amazing, but it only goes to show that XNSPY has become a community of sorts, and these mothers captain the ship. Here are 3 instances where our techy mothers gave us a lesson in parenting the right way. The Mom Who Used a Mobile Tracker This Mom shared on our blog a powerful and deeply personal story about how her son had to suffer at the hands of bullies and how she found an ally with her mobile tracker. Her story was in particular striking to us because we’ve taking about XNSPY as a preventative measure to cyberbullying on countless occasions. But what we tend to overlook is that many times, in person, physical bullying exists just as many times as cyberbullying and that XNSPY can be used to counter both. This mother amazingly used the GPS tracker to find her son who had been whisked away and assaulted by his bullies. We salute both her ability to use technology in dire circumstances and her bravery to go on looking for her son when she didn’t know what to expect. The Mom Who Savvy With WhatsApp Monitoring This Mom really inspired us because she was the epitome of the kind of mothers we are trying to empower. These are the mothers who may not have grown up in the technological era, who may not be as familiar with smartphones or know much about what’s popular on the internet. But these women know that in order to be better mothers, they need to get over their tech phobia and learn modern parenting techniques. We loved this mother’s spirit because she did not stop learning. Her inquisition of modern day parental controls brought her to our homepage. In this case, particularly to our WhatsApp spy app. This Mom is an example to everyone out there who is afraid they’re out of touch and can’t get with the technology of today. Be as forward thinking and bold as this mom! The Mom Who Shared the Perils of Oversharing This Mom gave us all a lesson into the perils of oversharing. She candidly shared the story of her teenage daughter who was a bit of a selfie addict. All her selfies would end up on social media, where they ended up being exploited by third parties who turned her into a meme, mocked her, and reposted her photo on inappropriate websites. The mother gave our readers pointers on how to look after the social media profiles of our children and what can be done to overcome oversharing on the internet. We love this mom because she not only presented a story, she went one step further and gave us pointers on what would’ve helped solve this situation and what others should do when they’re facing a similar situation. This Mom is the empowered XNSPY mother who introduces us to new parenting techniques which only serves to add to our knowledge. As always, we are open to stories and lessons on parenting from all of our readers. But on this particular day, we want to celebrate the mothers who are at the heart of this blog. And so, to all those mothers, I’d like to offer my heartiest; Happy Mother’s Day!

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