Author name: Mike Everett

Employee Monitoring App
Employee Monitoring

The Complicated Matter of Workplace Justice

Justice in an organization goes beyond formal rules and regulations that govern workplace behaviour. Having a rulebook that defines how employees should act in relation to one another will not ensure that justice is prevailed in a company. It is those three key factors that make justice a subjective phenomenon that is administered by an individual’s perceptions, values and beliefs. Therefore, the concept of justice will wary from workplace to workplace. The Methods of Justice There are two ways in which an organization would look to maintain justice. The first would be creating a generally accepted picture of what the organization should be like based on collective norms and values and then abiding by it. However, a second counter belief is presented by Dr. Amartya Sen who argues that justice should be concerned not with conforming to an ideal picture of a lawful organization, but by removing injustices. Therefore, while one may simply define justice and fairness as the act of giving someone what he/she deserves, it cannot completely be determined what deserved means in tangible terms. Let’s Think Equality A basic principle of justice is that all individuals within an organization should be treated equally unless a particular situation requires otherwise. If two employees are doing the same work, they should be treated equally. This should be regardless of gender, religion or race. At the same time, the organization decides what factors should include equality. For example, will it be injustice if the boss works from a separate office on a separate floor while all other employees are given open cabins? Or is it injustice that an employee receives more salary for working overtime? Distributive Justice Another kind of justice that organizations practice is distributive justice. This is the extent to which a company is willing to go to ensure that benefits and burdens are distributed in a fair way. A goal-oriented company would perhaps be more concerned with getting the work done on time rather than not overworking their employees. For example, consider a company that works on drills and construction. Here, time is money. Each extra day of work would mean added cost of machinery, labour and such expenses. In this case, it is likely that the company simply wants to “get the work done” rather than being considerate of acceptable working hours and ethics. Retributive Justice The next kind of justice is retributive justice which determines the extent to which punishments are fair and just. For example, how likely is it for a manager to fire a female employee who makes a blunder over a male one, who is generally considered more “professional”? Another common bias occurs again in race where workplace crimes become more closely associated with black employees than white ones. Companies determine what within the context of their organizations is considered just and fair. Does the boss enter the office at the same time as the employees? Or is it acceptable that he/she has a later time than the others? If a culture expects men to treat women with respect, does that mean they get different rights in a workplace, or should they be treated exactly the same way as men? Should employees who have greater credentials be treated differently? Once a consensus on an environment suitable to the organization is reached, the company should work on removing voids and injustice.

XNSPY Mobile Monitoring
Employee Monitoring

Coping With Temporary Employees With XNSPY Mobile Monitoring.

In an organization, temporaries may refer to temporary employment, technology or policies. If you’re a manager, coping with temporariness is just going to be another part of your job. As long as you’re got a good grip on your employee monitoring app, you’ll do just fine. Temporariness may come from a change in technology. It is an ever changing and continually developing phenomenon which requires employees to be just as dynamic and up-to-date. Other times, an impermanent change in policies (resulting from a sudden change in economic conditions or the local political scene) causes temporariness. Permanent employees may not be knowledgeable enough about new technologies, or not adaptable enough to immediately regulate the newly enforced policies. For this reason, an organization might seek temporary employees who are specialized in the new fields and who can efficiently get the work done. If an organization does not have stability and a functional system, it is bound to cause uncertainty. Employees would be either too unsure about what their job is or too unskilled to get the job done in the newly stated fashion. Temporariness might also make existing employees insecure. They would live in the fear that if they do not adapt to the temporary changes well enough, they would be replaced by someone more specialized in the field. Moreover, temporary employees would probably not be as loyal to the organization as permanent ones. For example, say your city has experienced a bunch of bank robberies in the past year. As a result, the government formulates a new security system for all banks. This includes following the set procedure for every transaction and a savvy new piece of technology that verifies identity. Bank employees will now have to stray from the norm and learn the new procedures endorsed by the government. They would also have to quickly learn how to operate the new security technology. If they are unable to do so accurately, the bank might hire temporary employees who have a better know-how of the new structure. This would cause uncertainty and insecurity amongst the old employees. The temporary employees may not comply with the bank’s culture. In this scenario, managers will have to turn to the one constant in their system—their employee monitoring app. It provides the stability managers need in times of temporariness by providing them with the right information at the right time. We live in a time where there exists an internet of things. (Tapentadol) Real time solutions can be devised for problems, so matter how short-term they are. As a manager, your job will always be concurrent—managing the present, and managing the future. Balancing the permanent and the temporary is a small part of it all.

XNSPY Parental Monitoring App
Parental Monitoring

4 Problems XNSPY Parental Monitoring App Can Solve

The applicability of the XNSPY parental monitoring app is bound only by the user’s imagination. Here at the XNSPY official blog, we try to talk about as many possible situations you can get into that can be solved with a good parental app. Often enough, you guys write to us and tell us about new ways you found to use your parental controls and that just adds to our archive. Here are the top teen related problems that we found can be easily solved with your parenting mobile app. Sleep Deprivation We found that only 8% teens get the right amount of sleep. The rest of the 92% are struggling to balance good grades, a social life and working for the future—that is applying to colleges, trying to score good internships or trying to get scholarships. All of this contributes to stress in their lives. Here is an infographic that illustrates this: What a parental control can do is monitor the amount of times your teen spends sleeping and identify all the stressors in their life. Because while some stressors are visible given their stage of life, others may be hidden and will need some digging before you truly know what they are. Cyberbullying Cyberbulling continues to exist even when social media creators and web geniuses are coming together to invent ways to control it. As long as the internet exists, people will say whatever they want in the guise of freedom of speech. Cyberbullying affects a teen’s quality of life in that it affects their grades, happiness and even appetite. XNSPY can be used as a precursor by parents. Installing the app on their phones will ensure you know of all the communication being conducted through their phones. You will be able to recognize when something is going awry and will be able to stop it before it all goes to the dogs. Addiction and Drug Use 36.4% kids under 18 years of age admitted that they have tried marijuana at least once in their lives. These are the same kids who have consumed alcohol while they were still in high school. Some say this is where it all begins… “trying” something with friends because it is deemed cool and then slowly losing control to harder, more harmful narcotics. Here is an infographic that explains it: Of course, parents have some control over this situation with their parental monitoring app. A good use of the Watchlist feature will help them know if their teen is trying something they’d be better off without. Away From Home Safety Of course, all parents worry about what their child gets up to when they are away from home, especially if the said child has just started driving on their own. Teens can get rather reckless what with their need for cheap thrills and an appetite for independence. This often leads to some unnerving incidents:   Once again, parents can use the geo-fencer and GPS tracker on their parental apps to make sure their kids are doing things right, following rules, being safe and getting home on time. What do you use your parental control app for? Let us know in the comments below!

Business & Cyber Security

Starting Your Own Business? Avoid These Rookie Mistakes

Job insecurity, pay cuts, uncertainty, too much workload etc. is the ’new normal’ and it’s not very pretty, I agree Therefore, many of us like to take a proverbial leap. The job picture has been so bleak and at a standstill that it has made many of us to setup our own teeny tiny businesses. But keep your head straight and don’t expect too much. It’s better to start with low expectations, so that you can exceed them later on. You need to learn how to be a boss. It’s not necessary that if you are a brilliant chef, you probably know how to run a restaurant too. So before you start, learn stuff that you don’t know about, find new ways to execute them and work with people who have necessary knowledge that you are missing. The reality is no one has really been able to figure out the real key to success. But still, everyday it is moving towards better. Take control by avoiding these silly mistakes to ensure success of your business Have a Business Plan It’s a playbook for your creativity. Let the ideas flow, fill a book (or hundreds of them). A lot of these details will be a mere guess, but you can run them for a market test. Invite your friends and family over for some food and explain them your business idea. Go very specific and make sure of an open ended conversation. Make a sample of your product for testing, If you can. You will learn to rectify your glitches and weaknesses in the comfort zone of your home rather at a meeting, or, in the worst case, after your product launch. Analyze Financially! You don’t need to be a CFA or MBA to analyze the financials of your business idea. Estimate your costs and revenues. Have a paper plan even if you have a clear elevator pitch so that you don’t have to answer to people, “I don’t have a business plan!” Give it a Legal Status Legalize your business plan and make a written agreement of everything in place. Verbal agreements do work for small partnerships but you will endlessly thank writing them down, if anything goes wrong in the future. Don’t Day Dream Dreaming is good but expecting things to get better within the first six months would be an anomaly in itself. Have long terms goals and break them down into shorter goals of one, three, five years plans. Be a Good Boss Respect, if you want to be respected. Your employees will only believe in you and your purpose if they are recognized as an integral part of your company—‘their company’. Keep Your Friends Close and Old-Friends Closer Don’t break up your communication from your last workplace. Burning old bridges will do you no good. Have a slice of a humble pie, even if you were elevated to a better position first, you might need to employ them. Worst case scenario, it should be your fallback plan i.e. to enter into your previous job. Follow these guidelines and learn from your surroundings. And if you ever try to quit, always remember, why you started it in the first place.

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